The artist formerly known as...

Thanks for everything you do to make the world a bright, sunny place! I bet rainbows come out of your ass, right?

+1, if we allow that sort of thing here.

Your man and I are in the same camp, yo. I dig my wife, and she digs me for it #NotTooGraphic

That's all good. Best explanation of that whole situation I've seen.

So, to be clear, feminism = blowjobs? That's cool.

I heard her on the Diane Rehm show a few weeks ago. She was 125% addled, up at least 10 points since a decade ago.

Convo about this with my wife right now:

As a guy and husband, I gotta tell ya, yeah, some partum/post partum stuff is a bit rugged. Like the "it's coming out of that there hole, and like, wow, hummm" thing. Specially when they sewed up my wife—without any anethesia. Our kids were exposed to strong language very young.

My wife had this. In exactly this color. Spooky.

This is hilarious. Reminds me of when my wife had our kids—except ten times....funnier? worse? I dunno, but hilarious.

Another reason it's good to (1) be a guy, or (2) be my wife, who could give a shit (ha!) about bathroom noises. Her position—if you're gonna hang near the loo, you're gonna hear a thing or two. And that's your bad rhyme of the day.

My sense is that sex was discouraged in these bundling situations—it was supposed to be more slumber party than sexy sex time—but that, well, things do happen. The idea was to get to know your spouse before marriage, and so this was part of courtship. Yeah, it was a strange time. So, yeah, sex was "discouraged" but it

"That child almost had a shot at a better life. Now he has to wait for the [his dad] to screw it all up."

It means that if you have to explain a joke—or wry political humor—it's not funny anymore. Except to those who get it.

No. No, they don't.


You're forgiven.

This dude looks like a total douche. No, I have no other evidence on which to base this. Except the crashing, and the horseshit about "liberal progressives" when this guy, much like his ideological fellow travelers, believes in individual responsibility for everyone but himself. Oh, and the "going to rehab" bullshit?

Yes, although most of the time, the folks didn't look like Heath Ledger.