The artist formerly known as...

Jesus, is she stupid or what? As a one-time Alaskan, I am sorry to have once shared an area code with this dimwit. Gotta love that photo caption, though. Wonder who showed Sarah the way to the polling point, what with her being unable to find it with two hands and a map.

Jesus Christ. She does all these sports, and comes back from that? I had a bad headache today and I griped and moaned about this all the time.

Barnette was (and, if still alive, is) one of the lowest forms of scum on this or any other earth. Maybe Colorado can commission a bronze bust of him and put him in the Capitol in Denver, so as not to fall too far behind the great state of Missouri.

This is one of my favorite vids from the Pixar Shorts DVD. My kids' too. Terrific.

You know all those right-wingers who kept wrapping themselves in the mantle of Science to "prove" that climate change and the science behind it are bullshit? Well, it turns out that the studies have been confirmed and replicated. And yet, all these calls of "scandal" and "fraud" and that assklown Va. AG subpoenaing

Late to the party, but let me be really clear here: I would be very willing for my taxes to pay for their birth control. Seriously. Think of the (potential) for children.

I think I am gonna have a little cry for you, this prof is so sweet. And I'm glad you stuck it out. Shouldn't let some douche future robo-signer [/snark] throw you off your game.

Good lord, no wonder you thought it was bad. Blueberry and Strawberry are the only acceptable flavors. With icing, none of that plain pastry awfulness. And s'mores is in fact a flavor, but is awful, and mustn't be equated with a real pop tart.

It's true, this delay thing. If you need to be somewhere on a particular day, Amtrak often works, although I know of a trip on the LA-Seattle train that was actually delayed 18 hours. I love the train, but planes, strangely enough, have a better aggregate on time record, esp outside the East Coast. But, no TSA.

You rock, and your law prof rocks harder. As a prof, I aspire to be a 10th as cool as this cat.

Exactly. And, if you're scared of flying like I used to be, the experience, while generally more annoying than scary, is still enough of a PITA to make the flight feel like spa time (for the first hour or so).

Maybe this bullshit would stop if dudes were required to demonstrate this device to show that their penii were medically necessary.

Thanks for the pro tip!

This is great advice. However, using words like "compunctions" and "consecutive" and "Kübler-Ross stages of grief" may send Snooki to a dictionary. Maybe that's a good thing.

SI goes for this look more than do fashion mags, because of the curves, which work better with swimwear than other "wear." But, yeah, shopped.

Jesus, though, don't we all feel your pain? I mean, having to choose between Rush and Nickleback. The mind reels. Think of it this way: after two hours of N'back, you'd also be screaming at the radio, to suck less.

Watch out—I got scolded here for calling Rushbo a fat fuck—which is fat shaming. But, yeah, he's a fat fuck, but corpulent troll has that pizzazz that I failed to convey.

This assumes he's getting laid. Given his penchant for saying offensive shit about women, and my fervent hope that he's a total pencil-dick, I suspect he didn't have a lot of opportunities for passing along his seed, for which we can all collectively say "huzzah."

But it's a great opportunity to cover ZZ Top's "Legs."

I love me some swimming cats. Maybe this cat is part tiger?