The artist formerly known as...

Word. Jezebel is my go-to site for all l'affaire Komen information, and the merde that followed. Well done.

And that's fine—they can take their corporate pinwashing money and shove it. I think this whole debacle may, indeed, be a threat to SGK's continued relevance and existence, an outcome that real women's health advocates would likely welcome.

Win. While SGK sucks ass, they have no first amendment responsibilities. Any more than they have the "right" to claim their freedom of speech was violated after a massive DDOS attack on their web page ... hey, Phineas, I know what we're going to do today.

They will never get another cent from me.

That poli sci 101 course—you never took it, right? Quick refresher: economics and accounting are not the same thing at politics. And SGK is completely driven by politics, as well as kissing corporate ass. It's worth knowing.

I just hearted you for this. This is dead bang right, and I hope it makes folks think.

Wow, I have seen such total and apparently unashamed bullshit since the Nixon Administration. Also: Genie, meet bottle. This isn't going away. Folks are pissed now, and are going to get to know how little Komen money matters in the science of breast cancer, how damaging pinkwashing is, and how the Komen group fiercely

And yet, when someone does use their judgment, and something bad happens, people will post complaints about letting judgment and emotion interfere with solid procedures. Ya can't win.

Yes, there is a sarcastic and snarky tone about this whole site. It's written by and for folks who appreciate the thrust and jab of snarky, sarcastic debate and discussion. Yeah, it's a tough room.

1. Yes, but an enlarged prostate is often correlated with poor sexual performance, including ED. And Viagra is not the standard of care for an enlarged prostate when the cause is not BPH. It's not even the standard for BPH, but it apparently has some therapeutic effect. But the test has to determine whether it's BPH

This year's super bowl is so boring that there's no need to watch it. Y'all can pee during the game, because no one wants to miss the commercials, of course.

Yeah, pinkwashing is related to the term "greenwashing," where a company that ruins the environment (oil companies) pretend to care about "the environment" by giving paltry sums to greenie groups. Same thing with Komen: companies get to attach themselves to a high-visibility group/cause/cult, and seem to "care" about

Exactly. The point, again, is to build barriers to the procedure. Pure and simple. And the victims are poor and young women. Which is exactly the point.

Depends on how you define a human life. You're finding yourself going straight down the rabbit hole if you define life as a pre-viability fetus. While the anti-choice bund believes that life begins at conception (and ends at birth), I have a different belief. And that's where the argument gets crazy.

You may want to poke around this site, check out the "local norms" that seem to shape the conversation here before making a comment. I don't mean to be cruel, but your posts were not well written, and it was hard to discern the point of whatever it was you were trying to say. Don't just give up because of some mean

You're missing the point—indeed, you're about a half an hour late to it, at least. See, the thing is, it's not about man hating per se. It's about gender equity. Indeed, given that boner pills always have the "make sure you're healthy enough for sex" warning (which doesn't really just mean "lay back and let her do all

Yeah, they're the chief pushers, in fact. It's kind of pathological.

Your screen name rawks, BTW.

Why, thanks. The missus would argue I'm not perfect (the laundry, the dishes) but I try.

The thing is, the "investigation" is total bullshit from the get-go. It was initiated by a bunch of right-wingers who are proudly serving their anti-choice, anti-woman, and anti-life-after-birth masters. It's an "investigation" based on a set of lies. Feel free to read up, but you'll find nothing but the ravings of