
On the eve of the inauguration, I think it’s a good time to remember that under President Obama, twenty million Americans gained health insurance, cutting the percentage of uninsured Americans to single digits; same-sex marriage was legalized; DADT was repealed; combat positions were opened to women and transgender

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

Some perspective on how historic this is:

Here’s a start to the party...

Always the Tiffany, never the Ivanka, eh Chris?

Looking forward to his open letter to Stanford after he's not asked to come back for being smart like in the NBA

A man who was paid handsomely without producing anything of value has nothing left to learn in Silicon Valley.

The plan is for Hinkie to amass a huge amount of guest lectures in the hopes that one of them pans out as a semester long teaching job. From there it is only a matter of time until he is dean. Just wait. You will see how brilliant this is!

Hinkie had classes, but traded them for future classes and a guest speaker opportunity. He’s currently looking to swap the guest speaker slot for Starbucks gift cards and/or wi-fi passwords.

As a man, I have a great idea.
If women would like to be heard more in the workplace, when one woman makes a point, the other women in the room should reiterate the idea and credit the initial speaker.

Truly a most fowl affliction.

I hope not. I like air.

I can say that $54 is more than $35 because when you add the two numbers together 9>8.

Yeah throw up the shocker bro hang fuckin ten, I hope you get mugged outside the park for being a smug piece of shit and keeping that ball.

Now playing

I wanted to grab the video of the “first pitch” for reference:

Muhammad Ali did not throw out the first pitch in Marlins Park history. Jeffrey Loria’s sick ass paid whatever was asked (presumably more than the HR statue cost) to have Ali golf-carted out to the pitcher’s mound from Centerfield. The ball was then snatched from his unstable hands by none other than the unremarkable

“As a Cleveland fan” might just be he saddest thing to hear in life. It’s neck and neck with human trafficking, at a minimum.

The Warriors are a necessary evil. For the sake of the Sonics, OKC cannot advance. All hail the Warriors for this series.

The best spanking scene didn’t even have any. Much too perilous!

Or gay men? This whole thing is just someone being uptight about human sexuality.