
Possible third option: the GOP convention will predictably result in the complete and total destruction of the city just before the football season starts, the Browns’ season will be cancelled, and all will generally agree that things worked out for the best.

Counterpoint: No one would care if I blew all my money on the lottery as long as I win the jackpot, but it’s still not a great financial strategy :)

Ugh, and right as the process was getting this team back on track, they won a game 4 games ago but I guess everyone’s already forgotten about that.

He was a partner in the Houston office of my law firm prior to running for Congress. Despite being largely conservative and Republican, everyone in the office (and the firm, generally) loathed him, so much so that to this day, no one wants to use his former office. It’s considered tainted.

He buried that shot over Justise Winslow?

Did anyone actually read the Yale professors response to the halloween costume letter?

Lacob’s Splatter

As an added bonus, here are all of the doctors in their respective TARDIS configurations.

So she went as a Kardashian?

That’s a missing piece I’d’ve been curious to hear about, too— the motherhood problem, Winfried had a mother and Norbert didn’t, and Norbert grew up all damaged, so what did happen to Winfried? Did he grow up happy, or did he get daddy issues instead of mommy issues? Was he the lesser athlete, & therefore lesser in

Good question; IMDB lists a Winfried H Grupe in a small role in 1966’s Torn Curtain) but that’s all I could glean from a quick Google search.

Or, maybe the SJ reporter couldn't reach the center for comment, since he has apparently gone Incognito.

They should let him fulfill his destiny and put him on First Take already.

The density of takes in this one meme is approaching Neutron Star level

And Manziel hasn’t done anything to warrant being benched, other than, I guess, not being Josh McCown.


The Rolling Stones agree.

Public sector Wisconsin worker here. You’re not allowed to hate him more than I am.