
How do they keep winning if they’re cheating? I mean, explain that to me. Cheating means someone loses. They are so good, that they win even when they cheat. You’re all jealous of this team.

At least she isn’t allowed to vote.

It was not legal,

Let’s nip this one in the bud: filming opposing teams’ sidelines was only legal from designated areas in the stadium, and the Patriots’ tapes were filmed from outside those areas. So argue over how big a violation it was, but it was technically illegal the whole time.

Sure it would keep him quiet but only for five minutes tops for each. What does that solve?

Well I mean. My gross body brings me a lot of happiness too.

This expression says “I went to school for goddam journalism. What the fuck am I doing with my life.”

It might be best to lay off of Virginia news teams for awhile.

K911 was an inside dog

From my experience, writers are self-absorbed, very weak-willed, know-it-all assholes who love nothing more than to pontificate. Also, they fear real work.

Why couldn’t a man say, for instance, that he really likes you and gets the feeling you like him back, but, hey, he could be wrong. Then you could say you did or didn’t share his interest. And that would be that. I can’t decide what is sadder: That this is so simple, or that it’s so unlikely.

agreed but also what an awful headline—not only hinting that the attractive/successful/and talented have no basis for depression & suicide, but also hinting that their suicides are somewhat more meaningful?

I think we should give ESPN more credit here. They have a track record of forcing their talent to face drastic consequences in the event that one of them says something offensive. Ergo, firing Colin was about principles, and not expediency.

I was really supportive of your post yesterday, and you repay me by calling Batman a choad? TRUCE OVER.

I think the proper term for his headgear is bataclava, not balaclava.

You should see what happens when Winifred really lets loose.