Morgain McGovern

My dad got three of our nannies pregnant. But he was an actor and he told me acting was the world’s second oldest profession.

You know it’s bad when Netflix won’t let you click on the reviews to read them.

All the actors rocked this.

Suicide is a reaction to being abused by your family of origin. She was essential murdered.

Right now, today, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager is a lobbyist for Monsanto. That horrifies me way more intensely than something Bernie Sanders wrote in his 20’s.

I got thrown in jail (a French one, a dungeon called Le Conciergie) for a crime my mother committed when I was seventeen. My mom is still on the run from the law. I went no contact last January with my whole crazy family. I snuggle with my dogs and cats now. Great story!

Her campaign manager is a lobbyist for Monsanto.

I wonder what else they did while on duty. Seems like they're really comfortable with rape and the subjugation of women.

Carrie Fisher's never waited tables. She'd change her mind after a few days working in a restaurant.