Dandy Koufax

The Pentagon should want to buy in. The Padres offer them great advertising (see photo) and unlike the F-35, they are a proven platform for bombing.

Jamaica Patties: Foreign Olympics Food Bob Costas Couldn't Get His Undies Down Fast Enough For

Luckily his cousins Scott and Rick have plenty of good advice for neck injuries.

Roger Federer also enjoys putting his medals around two beloved housemates: his matching Danish Modern minimalist recycling baskets.

If you think Washington is baffled by Houston's cascade of errors now, just wait until Week 5 of the Curiosity Rover project.

Lionel's comment was the best, but this is even Bester.

A number of homophobes on Reddit were quick to chime in, "tl;dr".

He is indicating to the VIP section hostess his choice of the fish and chips over the deconstructed haggis amuse bouche with black pudding reduction vinaigrette.

As a Canadian fan, I was just devastated by the lack of good looking chicks in this game.

b/h to John

"So, you also struggled with the whole "Half a Boy/Half a Man" thing, huh?"

Well, if you can believe it, it was the least busy traffic roundabout in Central London.

Rehearsal scenes from Waiting for Coho

"I know all too well what it's like to be killed by a media bandwagon. My heart goes out to the victim and his family"

"In the last quarter alone, Soletron outperformed 68% of beastiality-themed adult tube sites in both traffic and ad revenue."

This handy infographic also explains to the viewer which country Mitt Romney is most likely to anger and humiliate during his next interview segment on NBC.

Of course the decline of Six-Day Bowling is equally tragic, as an entire generation of competitors died of cirrhosis.

Literally, you can't copy the text. If you are writing for us, we assume you don't know how to use CTRL+X.

I don't speak French, but why are the Canadiens talking about L'agent, Confirmé, DG du CH and L'avait? I mean, who actually cares what colognes Shane Doan uses?

And if you don't think your daughter Lux'Ann is going to turn out to be an annoying tramp, you can ask Mr and Mrs Troi how it turned out for them.