Dandy Koufax

Steakburger? That's really more of a Lupercal thing, Ray.

It's just so sad when something comes to give hope and self worth to so many people, only to be smashed into pieces by its own creator's demons.

"...the smear suggesting that he has a "deep" relationship with "the female VP at the bank, who approved the loans" is another vicious lie."

To me, he really doesn't stand out from among these other chums.

Costas: How could somebody think they saw something as extreme and shocking as that when it hadn't occurred, and what would possibly be their motivation to fabricate it?

If so, Tony La Russa can sympathise.

Well, I guess it's ironic, given that they only painted him on originally to cover up Emmanuel Goldstein.

Blatter found the French Football Federation much more open to finding a solution by collaborating.

What Enron actually did at their ballpark was make it look like they had moved the fences out, so the team would have to pay more money for them to be moved back in again.

And there are definitely other Muslim countries where doing the Burnie will cause the whole thing to be shut down. Like Tunisia.

The two FBI agents who uncovered the disorganized hybrid gang have already detained the apparent ringleaders: Gibson Praise and Cassandra Spender.

His arch-nemeszczis? Mr. Mxyszczpltk

They went as MF DOOM and Danger Mouse, another once popular duo that nobody expects to ever return to their old form.

Utah Comptroller: Hello? What's that? Twenty five million D's heading down the interstate! Oh brother, Scantron must be delivering the statewide biology exam results again.

70% good is how I used to feel about The Office's Helmsman, but I guess like Mao and Davis, it's been front-loaded.

The Beijing Ducks, like an overview of Marbury's career, are sweet and sour.

Escape From Kristol: A Special Report on How The New York Times Voided A Bad Contract

Ignatius J. Reilly could only watch in mute horror from the window of the Scenicruiser as it all went down.

Eye color: BRO

"White Again" was how the Supweme Court's decided to weject the appeal of Fudd v. Wabbit