Dandy Koufax

Not so good at engaging a crowd regarding "dead actor experiments"? Susan Atkins.

"I like the whole notion of the emancipation of talents."

They had a lively conversation about the merits of the 4-2-3-1 for several minutes before Sepp realized Mugabe was talking about his preferred ratio of legs/trunk/torso/head when hacking up corpses and Mugabe realized Sepp was ranking his four assistants in order of molestablility.

Fucking Magyars. What are they good for? NOTHING.

As for current drunk Pat writer Dan Shaughnessy, the Bart Calendar is a complex system used to determine whether the Jets, on a given day, are "a bunch of spooks" or "uppity Negroes."


Dispatch: "All cars, one-five-eight-three requests backup. Suspect is resisting, officer attacked with pepper spray."

The Lion then told the Pevensie children that "If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also" and magically flew away.

"Letting The Lion attack first does, in fact, do wonders for Islam's reputation."

This was only the second most impressive hat trick of his career.

She heard the URL and said "Why verily, Shakespeare talk doth calm indeed."

Yes, and just like in the original, it seems clear that Oz' had an accomplice.

They say that some breeds of deepwater shark can trick fish into swimming into their mouths.

"Son... in Russia, Pop drops you."

Funny, I thought these were Fielder's choices:

Camille and Ardienne originally thought the trophy was for "Lady Buying" and were preparing to get their husbands replicas.

Meanwhile, even after the NQA draft, Weasley is still looking for love.

For fuck's sake. +1

Redacted per Sheed's comment.

He was, in order: a paint-faced monster; a neon-clad, bleached-blond do-gooder; an unpatriotic scoundrel; a gritty ex-con biker; and a black-clad turncoat.