Use *perhaps* instead.
Use *perhaps* instead.
To anyone who posts anything along the lines of "if you can rig up these contraptions you shouldn't need to cheat" or "if you spent all that time building on studying..."
If you're smart enough to build this stuff you shouldn't have to cheat(I know hacking or building skill isn't relative to overall brains, but you get the point).
Hahaha yes, thank you. This reminds me of all the Lifehacker binder clip "hacks" that involve binder clips and water—as if those rust stains won't be permanent.
It never ceases to amaze me how universal this solution is. I work at T-mobile and get customers with issues on their phones and the first thing I ask is "did you try turning it off and back on again?" The answer is almost always certainly no, and the few times it is they are lying.
Make way for Year of Donkey Kong!
Of course, water bugs are cockroaches. Oriental cockroaches. They're horrible creatures.
Oh context; how silly things can get when you aren't here.
probably could've used a few more accidents in that post
The "zing!" should give you a hint.....
Hey fellow Canadians responding to this post. Remember what a joke is? It's one of those things that Rick Mercer tells on the TV.
Canadian teen, busted for the terrible sin of wearing shorts on a hot day
Thank you! I came in here to say just that.
I was scrolling through Wiki pages a few months ago and noticed about halfway down the page for M. Night Shyamalan every instance of his name was replaced with "M. Night Shyamamalamadingdong".
Doctor Who, eh? I'm sure the Wikipedia article makes about as much sense as the show does, if you try to think about it.
A Japanese bar launched a "drunk shaming" public service announcement. It seems fake, but what the video is…
Protip: Most dev studios can't afford to self-publish, which means that most developers can't afford to be that picky.
Sincerely sorry to hear that. I know first hand how devastating things like this can be for a family. Hope you folks land on your feet.