Dancin Ted Danson

First thing I thought at the beginning of all this argle-bargle (and seeing the photos) was "oh, you play as an "in disguise" Zelda who's on an adventure to rescue Link. I wonder if that's overt story or revealed through the course of play."

I'm not exactly sure what's implied by capatilizing that little bit there, but I want you to know I have a lot of spare time and a broad spectrum of talents.

When I was a lot bigger and (forced) to work out constantly in the Army I would routinely freak out the short order breakfast cooks by ordering a dozen eggs over easy with hash browns, bacon, biscuits and gravy.

I have several dogs. Does that count?

It's funny, I was in the Army for years and being in any kind of better shape takes a kind of commitment that's fun for a while, but starts to feel very vain after too long.

it's abouts where I hover. I call it "in-shape-fat-guy".

Haha, I would sacrifice my abs in a heartbeat for the sake of my palate. Thankfully they've been living in harmony (off and on) for a long while now.

I'm allowed to have abs AND soulful, doe-eyed conversations on the meaning of life with my pug. 20 minutes of crunches/core exercising everyday doesn't exclude me from being a decent and caring male.

Yes, NONE BOYS. Ever. Period. Right? Self awareness and maturity is reserved for cancer ridden teenage girls.

We should be friends because I cry CONSTANTLY.

How am I supposed to focus on the court with her female parts distracting me? What if she menstruates all over the court?

damn it, you had me until the all caps portion. Is that why I can't get a job?

Use *perhaps* instead.

To anyone who posts anything along the lines of "if you can rig up these contraptions you shouldn't need to cheat" or "if you spent all that time building on studying..."

Hey, I fix CT machines for a living, haha, I get it. It's the first thing I do with any piece of software. Also.... When I have no idea what's wrong.

I shouldn't judge, haha, I'm just glad to be past that point in my life. When I got bored of my first floor linoleum... I bought lumber and refinished it.

I hate to fill the "cranky electrician" stereotype we're all so used to here... But that refrigerator needs to be pulled further out from the wall... Or it needs to be seriously dusted beneath the cardboard cover. Serious fire hazard!!! Look at that wall! Gasp!

How to permanently add a layer of impossible to remove sticky residue to your floors.

Years ago I used to tend bar for some extra cash, and always managed to work exclusively high money shifts on account of my ability to bullshit nearly anything. Including wines.

it's also the sign of a technician who has no idea what to do, what's wrong, or how to fix it. I was in the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, about to ride to the top in one of their TINY egg shaped elevators (just enough room for 4 people, sitting...) when the mechanism stopped and we were frozen staring at a concrete wall.