Dancin Ted Danson

I really enjoy how the first part of your comment makes me visualize you at the fair with some pet cows, just hangin' out. Anyway, I'm sure you're representing your farm in some kind of 4-H capacity or something?

Oh, I know my place... Those people are far too beautiful to associate with the likes of me, haha. I'll stay here and down at the bus station with the other Chud people.

Is there a wait list or application form to get in this friends group?

Now, now... Let's take it easy on this fella. He served our country in some vague fashion he won't articulate fully. Which is in no way suspicious.

This comment reminds me of a local bank commercial I saw for the first time today: "are you looking for a bank that has successfully progressed through time?" Ugh.... Horrile.

Nidhogg is local only, though. Yeah? I'm recently moved and surrounded by normals. I need to make video game friends for couch coop purposes. I haven't done that in 15 years, here goes nothing.

Ha! Came to post and did a quick look-see to make sure somebody didn't get there first.

I'm drawn a blank as to their major competitor... I can't remember the name for the life of me... It's been years since I lived in RI and I used to wait hours watching the Del trucks go by waiting for a non-seed-and-pulp-laden mush. Bah.

Whoah! Let's try not to throw factual information around like insults. Remember, you don't need to read an entire research project to cite portions of it sarcastically or mock the imagined intentions of it's production...

I see your pretzel burger... and raise you: