Growing up as a white teenager in Orange County, California, I used to believe this, too. As an adult, I can see what a pile of crap I bought into back then.
Growing up as a white teenager in Orange County, California, I used to believe this, too. As an adult, I can see what a pile of crap I bought into back then.
Well. The last ‘adult in the room’ will be leaving the team.
It’ll be like an evil “Gilligans Island”, without even the Professor to mix the coconuts.
Give him a break! He’s not Tweeting, at least!
I am not worthy to even read your amazing comment!
I am not worthy to even read your amazing comment!
This is all very well and good, but what the Instant Pot really needs is an attachment to turn it into a high-capacity espresso/cappuccino maker.
This is all very well and good, but what the Instant Pot really needs is an attachment to turn it into a high-capacit…
Oh, come on. These are the cultural descendants of people who thought that the title: Imperial Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was cool!
What format is being used for this document? Can the metadata still be recovered from it?
I am kinda deaf, and I also hate (really hate) talking on the phone.
Not telling you is different from ‘hiding it’.
What about everyone else? And does a single domestic violence misdemeanor mean one is to be deprived of all gun rights?
He doesn’t believe his own CIA and FBI. Why should he believe any other agency?
Wow. Amtrak needs to invest in some of these Japanese stalled-elevator toilet kits!
If you’re in a hurry, it doesn’t need to be fancy . . .
I don’t understand his concern. After all, the troops will surely be disarmed before they can get anywhere within range of him.
“Can’t you take a joke?”
I have a small iFixit kit, and love it.
I have a small iFixit kit, and love it.
When tracked by fiscal year, Trump’s first two fiscal years have seen fewer asylum seekers gain admission to the United States than Obama’s last year combined.