
That supporting community reminds me a lot of what I stumbled on when I Googled “breast cancer cure with poultice”.

He does look ‘straight out of Central Casting’, doesn’t he? I mean, imagine him in Goering’s uniform. A perfect fit!

I wouldn’t mind seeing some argumentum ad baculum.

(oops. Posted to the wrong place)

Also, some kind of laws to prevent the abuses we saw in Georgia, and to hold poll workers, and others responsible for polling places, to account for obvious irregularities, such as broken machines (they should have been tested), missing power cords (what the hell?), inadequate numbers of ballots, inadequate

Uh. You’re a scoundrel and a bastard.

I call bullshit.

That was nice of them.
I suppose they must listen to their advertisers, as much as anyone else.
(OK, maybe someone had an attack of conscience, and stronger moral resolve than at NBC. That is to their credit.)

Yeah. That’s why Fox Cable can do all the shit, but broadcast is still bound to be somewhat fair. Damn. I guess I cannot fault them for following the law. Perhaps NBC should broadcast an editorial or two, to repudiate racism.

It is frustrating, I know.

Flashlight batteries may fail you after sitting for a few years. You might try hanging a Cyalume Light Stick next to the service box, instead. They last a long time in their Mylar envelopes.

He looks like he survived a Russian dioxin poisoning.

Yeah. “Bibimbap”, a Korean dish, was listed for the 1970s

Are you a baby? (Or, maybe I’m just old)

Well, at least you didn’t have:


This works for a lot of things. We have been privileged in the U.S. with prevention of disease by public health measures, stable banking through financial regulations, and reasonably stable government from a heritage of democracy.

I have learned, in these past few years, that Niemöller’s little poem is useless. It is a sentiment that people nod their heads to, but it has zero influence.

Sounds like the “Brooks Brothers Brigade” that tried to intimidate election workers and a judge, to prevent the Florida vote recount for Al Gore vs. GW Bush.

While the Knights of Columbus may have limited itself to Catholic men, the real question is whether they also promoted discrimination in the public square, the marketplace, public schools, or in civic participation.