That’s a good point. Protesters would do well to be prepared for such an opportunity by having designated representatives, along with a series of backup questions and factchecks ready for anticipated falsehoods.
All it needs now is some reference to Kentucky
Shit! She had a video, which was taken from her, and never released!
He was taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he died from his injuries.
Soreheads made them remove it.
Hell, *Melania* slaps his hand away more strongly!
Here’s the statement taken from a different camera
For most people, the commission of a crime can be followed by arrest and processing. One is then read their rights, and interrogated, with or without a lawyer. Then there’s jail until arraignment, and bail is set.
If the suspect is considered a flight risk, there is no bail. Instead, it’s a long wait in jail until…
El Calvario is a tiny church in a very old building. The refugee crisis has turned things upside-down. You’ll see elderly volunteers doling out beans, rice, and chicken, while local doctors and nurses volunteer to give check-ups to guests.
In shelters for released detainees, often at churches, ex-detainees have no idea where they are. Some do not even know that they are in the United States, having been put into Border Patrol or ICE detention with little or no information, and then abruptly transported to shelters (or just dropped off on the street, as…
So, when will we see restaurants offering purée de pomme de terre préparé au guéridon?
So, when will we see restaurants offering purée de pomme de terre préparé au guéridon?
Perhaps with a brokered deal to avoid prosecution
That steam diverter is strange. I just put a 1-cup steel measuring cup over the vent, which works fine.
That steam diverter is strange. I just put a 1-cup steel measuring cup over the vent, which works fine.
Actually, I saw a YouTube video about Italians and their attitudes toward each other, based on region. Sicilians are like this, Eastern are like that, etc. One was that Northern Italians are basically Swiss-German. They eat yogurt!
The Italian side of my family are all from the north . . .
I think the Japanese fold their papers that way.