A story:
A story:
Reminds me of a frozen pie I saw once. The package said that, after cooking, it would last for up to three days on the counter, or for a week in the refrigerator.
Were I the housekeeper in that room, I’d be happy enough to have the money, but I’d also be saying to myself:
I am glad that you are interested.
I’d be a little concerned that a blood vessel might have blown out a little more . . . internally in his head.
It will take generations. It’s not just Trump, but the party that enables him, and the seething mass of deplorables who love him.
They were great, I thought. It’s one thing to see a crowd of demonstrators, but quite another to see demonstrators who show that they are of one heart.
(I should die for saying this, but . . .)
I’m guessing this is not like Microsoft’s “Songsmith”.
Chilled boiled tongue is great. I used to eat it sliced, and dipped in a mix of soy sauce, vinegar, and finely-chopped scallion.
Whole Foods tried offering rabbit, and people picketed the stores!
This is an interesting wrinkle. Since corporations are people, and money is speech . . .
‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’
—Luke 16:31
As far as the GOP is concerned . . .
Even if you are right, and I think you are wrong, there is a second function of two-factor authentication: notifying you that someone is trying to log in to your account.
waitaminnit . . .
It turns out that he’s worse than that.
(Note: I’ve posted this comment elsewhere on Kinja sites)
Some of them will be 18 by November. They should be sure to vote.
I have some wheat berries that I got for my garden (I planted a small bed of wheat in the Fall), so I’ll have to give this a try.