
. . . mass murder was a horrible way to kick off the holiday

I remember watching a piece on “60 Minutes” in which Hepburn was interviewed. She complained that it cost too much to go out to eat, saying that she could prepare a great steak dinner for $20, and it would be better than any restaurant.

At most, use pecans. Preferably pre-toasted.

We can only imagine that a force of nature like Katharine Hepburn—fond of brisk, miles-long walks in the woods, never slowing down for an instant—did not have a ton of time to mess around in the kitchen. Subsequently, her brownies are simple, no-nonsense, and can be thrown together in about 15 minutes.

My wife once rented a trailer on a farm that had a turkey. She used to wear billowy prarie-style dresses, which . . . intrigued the turkey.

Who is she, his wife? I mean, she looks to be about 15 years old!

The Dark Side will take its toll . . .

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McDonnell Douglas had the Delta Clipper (Clipper Graham?) (sorry, DC-X) rocket that did a lot of this stuff. It was wonderful to see on video. Like living in The Future, seeing a rocket take off and land on its tail!

Star for “surly bonds”.

So, Wakanda is inhabited by the Lost Tribe of the Hyuuga Clan?

Now playing

Why leave it up to the free market? Why not direct the spending toward useful domestic goals?

I meant per year. We’ve been paying hundreds of billions of dollars per year to build weapons that (I hope) will never be used, and other weapons that are being used with little benefit. We spend more on our military than anyone else (or is it more than everyone else?).

We could instead rebuild every man-made object on the surface of the continent, establish a coherent transportation system to meet the needs of the new century, and build a big space station. That would employ all of those people.

a good deal of the medical technologies the world takes for granted were developed under military budgets...

I want her to get into his private office in Trump Tower, and pull out the relevant papers that show the extent of his vulnerability to blackmail by Russia, and the level of control that Putin has over him.

Coin purse.

Isn’t this just the opening gambit for a Total Government Takeover? Like “Jade Helm”?

This sounds like a lot of excitement over nothing.

I remember the CIA agent who pronounced Honoria’s name like it rhymed with gonorrhea.

Yeah. Amplified music, etc. Lots of participation. It’s nice, but it can get really loud. They have a Decibel meter up at the sound booth, but there’s an ongoing cultural tension with the musicians, who like it loud.