
Who puts comments like that in internal corporate emails? I have never seen any back and forth of that nature in 40 years in corporate environments, even in one-on-one email discussions.  From the nature of the topics being discussed, these should be a heck of a lot more professional.

I really want to see numbers on this because to me it sounds like typical anti-union bullshit. GM was on the record a few years ago saying that US labor was 5% of their total US revenue. So a 20% increase in labor costs would move their total cost vs. revenue in the single digits.

Immigrant cars doing the work that American cars refuse to do.

When you make British aristocrats the good guys, you’ve really gone too far.

Last summer I proposed to my better half by dropping on one knee in our backyard and quoting John Prine (no, not “There’s a hole in daddy’s arm where all the money goes/jesus christ died for nothing, I suppose”). She knew it was coming, I knew it was coming, the answer was never in doubt but I still felt like a bag of

I like when fit attractive people try to pretend they are fat like the rest of us.

The thing that would be sad if it wasn’t so funny is that Don Jr is play acting this whole tough man, gun toting hunter bullshit to impress his father and that guy could not give two shits about any of it. His fathers idea of a vacation is getting the most expensive suite in the most expensive hotel with the biggest

I always loved Michael Caine discussing Jaws 4: The Revenge.

A version without the fur and showing everyone in their green mocap suits would break even at the box office, I betcha.

No one will ever convince me that “Ho Hey” is a rock song. Ever. Also, it sucks. Also, every Imagine Dragons song sounds the same.

Just so you have some geographical reference.

I prefer all the good rock to be relatively unpopular. Makes the concert tickets cheaper and keeps out the riff raff.

Brunei is 4,000 miles from the Middle East. 

Because getting angry works, and they haven't been brainwashed into believing in the need to remain calm and polite.

Two entitled white guys bitching.

Yeah this is a dumb take. 

But leave it FWD, obviously.

Considering the car, as a whole, is garbage, this makes it no worse. I like it.

I thought it was an iconic comedy foursome lineup at the end there - but then I snorted when Beck Bennett came out and Kenan quickly shoved him off and took his place. Such a well done bit. And Kenan deserved to stand up there too! He’s been in comedy for AGES now. Good for him.

People who insist on attaching “Dame” and “Sir” to people’s names all the time make me cringe so hard. That’s some serious Drama Club kid shit.