
When Mayor Pete stated that he was the only non-millionaire on the stage Warren should have shot back with: “Pete, you can make an honest million, but there is no such thing as an honest bribe.” As for the big-money transfer from her senatorial war-chest to her presidential campaign, she should do something about that,

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

This is so freaking cool. Only supercar in years I’ve gotten even remotely excited about. If you have any issue with an analog, mid-engined, NA V12 supercar with a stickshift, please turn in your Jalop card at the door and drive on home in whatever uninteresting crossover you came here in.

Nice car. I’m a fan.

That fan on the back looks really familiar...

“You guys are peeing on me tonight,”

We need to keep repeating this. He’s a pedophile and people are going to ignore it like R Kelly


Thanks for the article.

Boy you really drank the Marie Kondo Kool Aid, huh?

Marie’s got game. If someone can get you to throw out all your shit while spreading their gospel, then hawk you stuff after you realize while that ladle didn’t bring you joy you did need it to serve your holiday stew, then sell you said ladle, they have my respect.

I have studied engineering. Actually, I have a PE, which being the internet might be true or untrue, so take that with a grain of salt. Engineering school doesn’t teach you how to crunch the numbers that matter most of the time.

Construction workers at the Hard Rock in New Orleans were also raising the alarm about on site conditions.

Tech bro’s disrupting the engineering world looks like it’s becoming a real problem. Disruption of retail, publishing & media markets generally doesn’t cost people their lives.

This was the largest aspect ratio Disney could afford. Should they, therefore, be made the subject of fun?

As someone who grew up in construction and became an engineer, I think every engineer should have to spend a bit of time in the field seeing their design being built. Knowing how it goes together saves a lot of headaches for everyone involved.

I learned early in my career that a humble engineer is a good engineer. You dont know everything and never will. I might have experience behind the computer but someone that builds things for a living has more knowledge to say something is wrong than I do. 

John Mayer. Not a comedian, just funny looking.

Also the world’s most overrated musician (yep, ahead of Eminem). Literally every bland suburban dad with a reverb amp in his garage can play the entire Clapton songbook; it’s probably why they love him so much.