Shut the fuck up! It’s really going to be named EMotion? Just fuck my shit up fam.
Shut the fuck up! It’s really going to be named EMotion? Just fuck my shit up fam.
Matthew Havel of Colorado filed a simple assault report against the Ryan brothers
Surely they’re not solely responsible for this imbroglitoe
Forcing kids to hug strangers actually reenforces a lack of bodily autonomy. It teaches them to put up with unwanted physical contact.
His refusal to hug her was probably perfectly in keeping with exactly what she adored about his show.
take a self defense class, a good one. you’ll be able to stop anyone from hugging you. :)
Maybe she of all people should know no means no. “No thanks” x3 wtf. Interrupt an interview, on camera, how much of a macho douch- unpolite...lady... can you be?
While I’m sure this was awkward, I kind of love that if he didn’t want to hug, he stuck to it. Nobody should have to do that if they don’t want to—that would make a good Seinfeld episode, tho.
What impressed me is how he managed to look terrified and smug at the same time. Can’t be easy.
Kesha also *crashed a conversation* to try and hug a stranger. I’m Team Jerry on this one.
Ambush hugs should be against the law. Personal space, people.
Boxers, and a CVT Pathfinder?
Jesus Christ. This woman is doing it right. Driving the car for what it’s intended. Marketing the fuck out of both it and herself. AND improving her skills in a driver’s car.
You’ve clearly never had THC lemonade.
Are you implying this odor is indica-tive of Cleveland’s focus and preparation?
You can’t IMBIBE weed. The word you’re looking for is “consuming”, guy who gets paid to word things!
Is this not the very goddamn definition of narc’ing?
Clickbait Headline: “The Sunscreen Ratings That Scare People Every Year Are Bullshit”