Dan Gambiera

I know this is light hearted but all I can think is: yay yet more men who think it's ok to criticise women's genitalia.

I would be so impressed with anyone who wore that on a necklace. Also:

It's $50 to $130 for a tiny clit stimulator, set to cost even more after the first run ends. Call me cheep, but can't you find a less expensive, and probably better, sex toy on Amazon?

I think I've always been on the low end of normal as far as Test goes. Got it checked, and it was right there at the bottom. Doc says I could try the gel if I wanted to, and I went for it.

Any song that mentions "fags" and "AIDS" gets my dander up, but other than that, while this stuff is sub-optimal, the fact that anybody is surprised by this is way more surprising than any of the nicknames.

Better than sending him a spreadsheet, though.

That's awful. But it sounds like her reason was less that the sex was unsatisfying and more that she's completely delusional. The article says she might have shot her former husband too. I hope this guy makes a full recovery.

I think the moral here is that no good comes of sexting your cousin.

Trying to form an opinion on this, but having trouble since this didn't take place in Florida and is thus ineligible for a Bugs Bunny gif .

Exactly! It seems like a pretty well-worn trope that strong black women invariably have their femininity attacked. No surprise that this is playing well with the Tea People.

So she calls Obama gay, because Michelle is trans. I've seen people defending this as a joke, but it really is a terrible joke. It's based on the ideas that 1) being trans is inherently a negative, secret thing and 2) men who are attracted to trans women are gay. It's really a hat trick of anti-Obama, homophobia, and

I agree that she's young, but she's an adult. I guess I think it's not a good idea to kind of infantilize a grown woman, even if she's still a young woman.

If we ignore her and her snot-nosed, bratty antics, she'll go away. Same with the Kardashians. Let's get on this.

Also, Richardson wouldn't creep on her, she's way too well known and protected. Like all predators he likes his relationship power balance tilted firmly his way. That's why he sticks to aspiring models.

She's 21 and not a child. But of course because she's a young white woman we can continue to excuse her behavior because of her youth whereas young PoC accused of crimes are called adults the second they turn 18 and sometimes before.

The way I personally see it, Miley Cyrus is still a child stoner and unable to make complex moral decisions in any meaningful way get sober long enough to think clearly. Or, she just likes the creepy uncle vibe he gives off and also the fashion mag credibility being constantly seen in his presence affords her in the

Unpopular opinion probably, but this is just rich girl nonsense to me. Money can keep you isolated from a lot (not all, so don't crucify me) of terrible shit (like Miley doesn't *need* to pose for Richardson to send money back home to her family in Eastern Europe). Miley has been swaddled in the safety of

Did you read the article one of the Jonas Brothers wrote about what it was like to grow up inside Disney? It was so fucking freaky all the way down to constantly making him shave and look youthful because he was playing a 16 year old even though he was 20 at the time! Disney never wanted him to grow up.

and this is why you always vote, even if you're not ecstatic about the candidates.