Dan Gambiera

Caffeinated champagne

We agree!

Gazing into my crystal ball...

Little Debbie Snack Foods, Ranked

It's all in how you market it. Don't say "Integrate the Fraternities." They hate integration in Alabama.

And the fact that they can't even pass a do-nothing purely symbolic feel-good measure makes it even worse

Remember, human, you are a slave. You are generally "Miserable Slave". You can aspire to be "Adequate Slave."

Notice that it means the woman - almost always in these circumstances - can't have ANY sort of sexual relationship for at least four months. Meanwhile daddy can screw a different bimbo every day of the week. So quit the ignorant slut shaming

"Real" pizza is a tortilla with some oil, a few tomatoes and maybe some cheese. Anything else is an American abomination. It might be good but it isn't real Italian pizza.

Because people are hypocritical assholes.

If by "imprisoned" you mean "stoned to death", then yeah

That's their tradition. And it sucks hog's balls.

One candlestick will hold many candles.

There needs to be a chlorophyll-laced gum called "Cud"

Would they feel the same way if a South Carolina Church said it was OK to lynch *shudder* Negroes?

And you win your first Internet ever

Obligatory: Is this why he cries during sex?

My mistake. I didn't realize you were referring to large groups only. Of course, if you want to go big there's always ALEC, the Chamber of Commerce, the Family and so on. They are powerful, relatively large, powerful and not at all stupid. Their intent is also malefic.

The problem is that "how science works" is anathema to the religious crazies and the advertising-driven society. Science teaches critical thinking. Marketing is based on turning off the critical faculties. Religion dissolves on contact with them.

At its best chiropractic is a semi-scientific form of physical therapy.