Dan Gambiera

In the case of someone like Wakefield that doesn't work. He did it for money, pure and simple

Start by getting rid of the farking scare quotes. Then we'll talk


She isn't spokesmaggot any longer. The new Board of Directors is all men. Look for Shirley to be excommunicated some time Real Soon Now

After he was replaced as head of the Church Fred started calling for members to be kinder and less judgmental towards each other. It's always difficult when the old leader is still around trying to wield influence when he doesn't have official power. That's probably why they found a way to get rid of him completely

"I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow

It's not often that actual human beings enter the Uncanny Valley.

So no nasal tequila shots for you?

Can't be 2014's worst idea since the company's website has been around since 2009.

Ever tried one? No? Ever read Green Eggs and Ham?

Look in anything from Saxe's Guide (late 19th century) to The Dispenser's Formulary (early 20th) to Early American Beverages (17th-19th) or A Sip Through Time (Ancient Greece through to the 19th century CE). It's incredibly common and not very difficult to make alcoholic, even wine-based milk drinks that don't curdle.

All things old are new again. I have "Dispenser's Formularies" from the 1900s, "Receipt" books from the 1800s and cookbooks from long before. Caudles and possets and wine syrups and bishops made with milk and everything from ale to wormwood brandy have been with us since Hippocrates. Before Prohibition sodas and

So she gets work because of her tireless work against health and hygiene.

When I was in college proof of MMR was required before you could register for classes.

There has to be a non-violent drug offender or two who could get early release so the corrupt mayor AND the slave trader could go to prison for a long time

More to the point, they're mustelids, same family as minks, weasels, badgers, wolverines, martens and other bad-ass predators.

They also provoke people enough to get attacked. Then they sue their attackers for it and the city and the police for not protecting

I would, too. At a guess some combination of:

Indeed. Let's pray that God loves them so much He calls them back to Him very soon.

Taking a sack of potatoes, a frozen chicken or some eggs could be hunger. Stealing $2000 of merchandise with the help of an accomplice is grand larceny, probably by a professional thief.