Wait. If the store employees bought Girl Scout cookies it means there were boxes and boxes I DON'T GET TO EAT!!!!!
Wait. If the store employees bought Girl Scout cookies it means there were boxes and boxes I DON'T GET TO EAT!!!!!
I'm a rug-thumper and a heeb, not a blood drinker. You'd have to ask one of them if killing yourself by refusing to do something that keeps you alive counts.
No. Let's not. Every time it's brought up the boys demand that the subject be hijacked and turned into a discussion of their pee-pees. The issues are very distinct. And the same boys get huffy when women speak up during "intactavist" rants to even mention FGM.
A. Male circumcision maybe. Female circumcision not at all. And even then you're on extremely shaky ground. Jewish circumcision was originally much less radical. Complete removal of the foreskin and tearing of the membranes only came after the Greek Occupation. It prevented Hellenized Jews from blending in with Greeks.
But it's not a Muslim practice. It is an Egyptian one which pre-dates Islam. Christians used to practice it before Egypt became a Muslim country. In other parts of Africa it's practiced by Christians, Muslims and practitioners of local religious traditions. And it's not widespread anywhere else in the Muslim world.
I'm with Sir Charles "Shaitan's Nephew" Napier on this one:
For fewk's sake, it's not all about your Precious Pee-Pee.
Forget the angry picketing. That just feeds into the WBC's view of the world. Instead, turn it into a celebration. Show up with rainbow flags, gay kissing booths to raise money for anti-bullying initiatives, competitive team dildo-juggling, the Gay Men's Chorus singing "My Lover was a Logger" and enough dykes to…
Dammfino. Education helps. Increased economic opportunities for women help a lot. Beyond that I'm as clueless as anyone else.
The point of "active dying" isn't a better seat in the afterlife. It's taking the (literally) once in a lifetime opportunity for clarity and understanding here and now.
There is an old Muslim saying "May God reward you as you deserve."
Power. Money. Turning on the old bull when he isn't strong enough to dominate the herd.
Make it the biggest, happiest, most colorful, flamboyant, joyous Gay Pride festival ever.
You didn't just misread it. I think you failed to read it.
Except that even the educated women fall in line because of social pressure. Education is necessary for change. It is not sufficient.
If his funeral isn't held in secret it is going to be the biggest Gay Pride Parade in history. It will be so gay the Kinsey Scale will have to use scientific notation to measure The Gay around Topeka.
How do you know it was "for not wanting to be an ass anymore". Could be that an organization dedicated to vicious hatred doesn't direct all of it outwards. Or maybe they turned on him when he was weak. Or maybe they discovered he had a "wide stance"
If you don't believe in the gods there is always the Buddhist approach. Practicing Buddhists consider dying to be an opportunity. As one is forced to let go of things of the world and Ultimate Reality comes closer one is granted a moment of Enlightenment, a view of things as they are without the comforting illusions…
Isolated, near death, excommunicated from the "church" he founded.