This right here. So sick of the selective outrage. I get it, Cardi’s quotes make for good copy and clicks, but come-the-fuck-on...if a male rapper did this album cover like this we’d have 4 different think pieces talking about “IS THIS REVENGE PORN?!”

Why is this woman such a big favorite on Jezebel? I don’t actively dislike her, but I don’t get the hero worship either.


Hey, you got southern drawl in my determined attitude.”

I had a PE teacher up here in the frozen north that used to have us do “5 minute runs” while she sat on the bleachers and drank a diet coke and had a snack.

After Trump repeatedly called them “failing,” the NYT decided the best course of action was to prove him right.

Perhaps a third last-minute change is the charm?

Anchor Alert!

Am I the only person who has never heard of Philippe Garrel or his son until reading this review? 

$10 bucks this dude wouldn’t show his browser history to his mother.

Hey dude, I see you’re repeating refutable lies regarding voting and Progressives. Would you like help with that?

Some of them will listen to criticism from fellow conservatives.”

LOLLLLL, you poor sap if you actually believe this. Sorry, not trying to be a dick to  you, but let’s be real: Conservatives are the most “morally flexible” people when it comes to falling in line with their party. 

You misspelled Tuesday.

this is what people think all conservatives are now, and we are not.

sir this is a bagel boss

People seems to just gloss over that they were laughing in his face while he was putting himself out there emotionally with that letter that seemed to make everyone cry later.

All I know is American Horror Story + 80's slasher movies = Gus Kenworthy in tighty-whities, and if we don’t get that, I’m going to kick Ryan Murphy in the nuts.

Fake ass “christians”, like Pence, are having a great time making hell on Earth.

I say this with no snark and all earnestness: That is poetry.