Anybody that walks into a public restroom and films people without their consent heeds to be sent to jail. The fact that he caught children peeing is just fucking wrong, this should send his ass to prison.

I’m the conductor of the “Jennifer Lawrence is wildly overrated” train. Feel free to hop on!

Now playing


He’s very clearly trying to troll her to get attention for a campaign that nobody wants. Why is he owed a public debate?

I like Olive Garden and Subway.

I like Pizza Hut. Anybody having a problem with that can line up behind everyone else currently giving me a hard time about liking stuff.  

I was unaware that you were being forced to eat Impossible Burgers. How does that work, exactly?

I’m not THAT much better than that, let’s  be honest.

Of course US tipping culture sucks, but it’s what’s in place right now, and not participating in it isn’t an interesting intellectual exercise or protest, it just makes you look like a prick.

Morality and legality are two separate things. Are you really an adult in 2019 and don’t understand this? Apologies if you’re actually 14.

Isnt this the vapin’ congressman who despite using 250k in campaign funds for personal use also managed to overdraw their bank account 1100 times in 7 years? Something to the tune of $40k in fees if I recall. 

But we currently inhabit the world where servers and other folks are not paid a decent wage, so...tip.

Go fuck yourself.

Newman, a “very committed Christian,” told Campus Reform that she felt “punched in the stomach” by the university’s statement.

Bitch, it’s an 11-year-old girl we’re talking about here, they tend to experiment with stuff like that. You don’t get to assault her for offending your olfactory sensibilities. There is no but here. Who fuck do you think you are that you can excuse the assault of a child because you have fucking issues?

You act like the dude who scans your bag is the one who made the law specifically to make your life harder. They’re just doing their job and they deserve pay for it like anyone else. No one should “resent” low level TSA workers so much that they don’t care if they go to work without pay.

Take whole chicken (roaster) - open - remove bag of stuff - place chicken into freezer bag - write pound size on bag w/sharpie - freeze for someday dinner.

Look, I don't know what kind of comments you're expecting on this, but it's the end of 2018 and schadenfreude is all I have left.