
Not viable at all. I don't know about any of the newer models of Roku, but I got the last years model for my parents. There is no interface for finding content on your network. The closest you can get I think is some of the models have a USB port if you wanted to watch movies off a thumb drive or maybe even a NAS. You

You know what bugs me most about the game? The ending...

Woot! Welcome. Looking forward to future articles!

This gave me a good lol.

Dude, Andrew, I forgot about this song. Thanks for the awesomeness, I'll be rocking out to this all day now.

Or, if you live in NAS or corry station, you can listen to them ALL DAY EVERY DAY ENDLESSLY ZOOMING BACK AND FORTH FOR HOURS :|......

But he's anti-steve jobs. Can't expect a straight story under those conditions.

Did you add those commands to the launch options (from other article)? It completely fixed the repeated texture pop-in and the sheriff in wellspring isn't flashing vertical and horizontal at the same time!!!

Yea I saw your post, and I was gonna reply saying that this fix worked for me, but I figure'd I'd post it for everyone to see :) Thanks anyway though!!!

The problem isn't that something lacks quality, the problem is that everytime you move, and it has to draw, it has to reload all the textures, it's something you saw often in borderlands. It's not a big deal when you enter an area and the textures take a half a second to show up, but when I look left and have to wait

Well that looks like what my game looked like everytime I turned, and I'd have to wait for the textures to load. Now, it loads them and seems to stay loaded, so it really only happens when you first enter an area. So yea, I would say it fixed it.

I plugged these in last night, same way they said here, through the steam launch options. I wasn't expecting much but damn, it pretty much fixed everything. The horrible texture pop EVERYTIME you turn is gone, the tearing is gone. It seemed to do the trick. (i5 750/HD5770)

I know the GT and GTS are different lol, I didn't know about that GTS issue though, my buddy had a GTS and he never mentioned any problems, but he would buy a new video card every 6 months anyway. I'm not trying to say ATI is bad, you do get good performance for your buck, but I trust nVidia more than ATI, I've found

Again, as I said earlier, I have a 5770 and I have been extremely impressed with how well it's run, besides the minor issues I haven't had to turn down any graphics until the BF3 beta, had to turn em down a bit lol. The whole reason for my original post, which was just my opinion, was I have never had any kind of

The drizzt books are actually really good. Once you get into The Thousand Orcs series, you might lose interest. I know I did. If you wanna read something good, read The Name of the Wind :D

Well I had the second gen 8800GT, with the 256 memory interface, and it was actually one of the better cards I've had. As far as personal experience, call it anecdotal but there are reasons people read reviews for products, people want to hear about others personal experience with it, how did it work for them and what

I'm just speaking based off experience, I've run a lot of cards, and every single time I go ATI, I end up with weird issues. My card now, HD5770, runs pretty good for a mid range card, I was surprised how well it run. I wasn't surprised over the random game crashes (could be many different reasons), but the software

you should always consider nVidia over ATI. I'm not a fanboy, I'm running ATI right now, I try out a lot of cards. ATI means games meant for ATI will run great, but nVidia games tend to run eh. With nVidia, they play nVidia games great, and runs ATI games great. Speaking from experience, nVidia will serve you better,

It'll be a mix of DX:HR and LoL, probably some BF3 Beta too.

Got that email also, I spent 15 minutes trying to find something that said I got invited for beta. Eventually gave up thinking it was some screw up...turns out it was.