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For anyone interested, this kid is pretty cool too. I see these kids and think of that year I spent learning objective-c.

it had some really bad driver issues for a while if I remember correctly. Was overall a fantastic game, I do recommend if you can ever get it to work :D

To join the rest of the replies, runs like shit on pc? That shit was BUTTER on my rig, and it wasn't even that impressive. i5 750, 4g ddr3, and an HD 5770.

If you are a big Aliens fan you will probably enjoy it. That's pretty much what I'm noticing with everyone I talk to about it.


Do keep in mind, he compained about the gun sounds (which are the exact sounds as in the movie) and "claustrophobic design"...I'm not sure he knows Aliens started out as a movie

RAAAHHHHH you are the best!!!! Tell your wife to never stop, and thank you SO much for making this pattern, it is very appreciated :)

That isn't quite as bad as the fact that I've started the game, since release, 7 times and have yet to finish it. Something always happens where I lose my save. lolol

There are a few games I always have to have in my possession, Castlevania:SotN and Chrono Trigger. And probably add Xenogears and FFVII to that list too.

Holy crap, Castlevania:SotN. One of my all time fav's. Mostly due to the fact that if you don't explore the game, you'll literally miss over half the game. You'll beat it, and never realizes there was a whole second castle to do lol.

Right on! Drop me a link if you remember :)

Such a fantastic job! Out of curiosity, does she have a pattern for it? My wife really wants to make one, but she wasn't sure how to do his nose lol.

It's not often I find good thoughtful topics like this on Kotaku!

Yeaaaaa it's much warmer here in Anchorage :)

Spoiler: The wedding is coming...

Spoiler: The wedding is coming...

Damn...just damn. You must be a troll

What XurrionHun said.

If you haven't played Chrono Trigger, you really need to get the f@#$ on top of that. It's my personal favorite JRPG of all time. It's so perfect in so many ways...

I know most everyone's feelings on the game, and I agreed for a while. I don't really hate the game anymore though, I've been giving it an honest try throughout the patches and they have made some FANTASTIC improvements...