
Whole-heartedly agree with this. I usually read the whole article, but if I'm at work and too impatient to wait, I used to skip right to loved/hated. Now, this article took me two hours because of alt-tabbing lol I own the game. I already own the game, and love the hell out of it...but I like to see what Kotaku says,

Hell yea it's super hard in the city. Wait till the jungle...the jungle is hella fun...BUT THEN YOU HAVE TO GO BACK TO MORESBY! Ugh, I hate how many zombies are in that place.

WOOOOO LONESOME ROAD! I had Dead Island, but I'll totally take a break for some NV. I'm excited.

Don't know if it still works, but if you don't have any ammo, I was able to pick up a propane tank and throw it, and it when it switches to your gun, you magically have ammo to use, but if you chose the gun through weapon selection, you go back to no rounds. So picking up and throwing propane tanks somehow added

It's a good thing they just did a huge patch on dead island for 360 today, ps3/pc soon. Maybe it'll fix something? man I hope so for his sake :( Wait! I totally just thought of something, can't he just join another friends game to do the quest, and once he's past it, when he loads his single player, he should be moved!

Has he tried inviting a friend to see if they spawn outside (make sure he is as close to the wall by the zombie as possible)? So they can kill the zombies? I screwed up a quest by ramming some zombies into a door that wouldn't open until they were dead, one of the zombies fell through the door and I couldn't kill him

NPC's never get in the back of the truck...I wish they would. But that's the football guy, just another player.

It's probably stating the obvious, I've ran into a few issues myself, but has your buddy tried just reloading from last checkpoint? I've bugged out some quests and been stuck a couple times, reload from last checkpoint always put me where I need to be... that really sucks though. I'm level 34, and I would hate to have

Because of stuxnet and what it did to that Iranian nuclear facility. I think that's the connection they were going for.

Damn, you're right...well then...good day.

I don't know if I want us making a habit of introducing our trash to the sun, reminds me of an episode of Andromeda where they turned the sun red and shit started dying lol

I looked at the price of mario 3 back in the day...$50. Saw this a few weeks ago, although most other games were $40 or so. Honestly I've played many hours on this game already and found very few things to complain about, and even then none of it ruins the game for me, I love Dead Island so much! The complexity of

Rules of engagement from my boat specifically stated that you fire across the bow for the first shot, never fire to hit.

"There are few joys in the world like a great place to poo." FACT

Found the orange skull in the police station...or the sewers, can't remember. But wtf they for?

Haters gonna hate. That shit was awesome.

For reals, Dead Space 2 scared the piss out of me.

Yea I have to agree It's confusing following who is putting what out. MW2 did have a bit of charm, I really did enjoy playing it. Not having dedicated servers is what turned me off of MW2, the day I joined a game and in one kill got like...2 billion experience or something, and was auto leveled to cap...that's the day

Well, the point in my original post was every game since MW has felt like the same exact game, with that many people you would think one of them would feel new already. I'll play MW3 and if it feels like something new I'll buy it, but I highly doubt it, it already looks...exactly the same, yea. I break it down a

See, I appreciate a response like this! I do realize they are two different studio's that work on the series. You are much more familiar with it's history than I am lol. As a general gamer, I just feel like every year there is a new Call of Duty, and none of them feel OR look any different than the prior (starting at