
In what regard? You aren't really saying much, just trolling. Plus, this is just my opinion. Do you work in the game industry? Is there some key piece of insight I'm missing? Please, do tell.

That's true, I could. But I am a developer, albeit not a game developer. But I understand the basics enough to know that either the pressure for COD games every years is the reason every MW seems like a new DLC, or they just realized they can change almost nothing and release a best selling game every year. Thanks for

A Link to the Past: Best zelda EVER (imo)

Why does it take 500 people to make new maps? Srsly it's not like the core of the game has changed at all. They change perks, skills, and guns. Nothing major has changed, no overhaul, MW3 still looks exactly like a COD:MW DLC, and it's really annoying. Don't get me wrong I spent many hours playing MW, less on MW2,

It's a bit of an inconvenience, but man...I had so much fun with this game once it was unlocked on steam. As far as having to the corrupt saves...I ain't even mad. I'll play through this game way more than once anyways.

I didn't realize you even went to this site!

We have earthquakes here ALLLLLLL the effin time.

When you cross that natural bridge in the begining, and Follows chaulk comes up to kill that chick shooting you, if you kill chaulk *which I did, because he just looks like another guy coming to kill you* than you get a quest to find a map...find the map and the DLC is over, it tells you to leave, and the cutscene

Well the mod I was looking at said that the mojave should reshape based off of what happened, but I haven't looked into it a lot. I'm pretty sure the mod does exactly what you were talking about, there is probably more than one mod, but I'll have to find it again and repost on here what it was.

If you have it on PC, there is a mod that allows you to continue after you beat the main story. I liked dead money, but it's pretty hard, Honest Hearts was ok...you can screw up right away in the begining and make it so you can't get any of the quests, and you can finish the DLC in about 20 minutes if you move quick.

I will say, I never really enjoyed Fallout, but I got New vegas a little bit ago when it was on sale for 20$....TOTALLY WORTH IT. Such an awesome game, with so much replay value, ESPECIALLY on P

Dude, what about the mod that lets you continue your game after you beat the main quest? IMO that's a must have mod. Not being able to continue after the end is a bummer.

I've killed the legendary cazador and bloatfly...haven't found the deathclaw yet. But I agree, better be SUPER hard because IMO, there hasn't been any really tough fights.

For those of you who aren't really sure what to do during different disasters, SOSDisasterPlan.com has a free surival guide/checklist thing you can download. Some of the stuff it says to do is obvious, some of it is stuff you may not have thought of. Just a handy guide to have on your phone or whatever for when shit

I'm not suprised. It bugs me people don't take it more seriously. I know most people associate disaster preparedness with end of the world type stuff, and people think those who prepare are just paranoid, but I really think that FEMA needs to update their info, and the gov't needs to follow suit and properly prepare

FEMA says: "Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Research has shown that most injuries occur when people inside buildings attempt to move to a different location inside the building or try to leave."

Also @ Nerdzilla33

It saddens me that you don't approve of my time wasting

Lolwut? I have an HD5770, and although it's not a beast, it's played every other game I have on max (although to be fare I usually keep the AA/AF low). That includes Fallout:New Vegas, Metro 2033, Starcraft 2, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dead Space 2, etc.

I never finish my games, but usually because I enjoy them so much I just get to a point where I am unstoppable, and then find every secret in the game. That's why I usually play free roaming games. What's the point of beating it? Unless the the game continues after you beat it so you can still roam around, I don't