Propulsion will be a 50/50 mix of a peroxide-based liquid fuel and a desire to get out of Houston as quickly as possible.
Propulsion will be a 50/50 mix of a peroxide-based liquid fuel and a desire to get out of Houston as quickly as possible.
Danica Patrick.
Yes, tell your politicians to give you different colored license plates. Don’t address the millions of illegal aliens costing you 25 billion dollars per year, or your water infrastructure that’s crippling the state. Don’t do anything IMPORTANT, please.
So you can register an use HUMVEE, but the moment you try to do it with a Defender...
Bicycles. Nothing digital about them. Except for those electronic shifters by Shimano, they just don’t feel right.
The only band that mattered.
This whole thread is full of salty Lebron James fanboy tears.
That was awesome. Loved it.
Or you could just show a replay of all the Le Mans coverage that Fox Sports missed and we could stay behind and watch it.
Erm, botched pass? Are we watching the same event? That wasn’t a botched pass, he was taking evasive action to avoid cannonballing into the two dawdling GT cars.
I’m still trying to figure out why somebody wouldn’t watch this race. Some of the best drivers in the world racing the fastest cars on the planet running balls out for 24 hours. Its kinda hard to see a downside here.
Once again, the illusion of security should not be confused with actual security.
Wow. Clearly we need to throw more money at this problem. That’ll fix it!
this article is hilarious.
This you don’t do:
More like guy runs onto live track.
This really underscores just how good safety technology has gotten