
Agreed. The S is really pretty but the V touches my special purpose.

Is it as nausea inducing from the drivers seat?

I don’t think the leak or the “inadvertent confirmation” were accidental.

There totally needs to be a movie about the Wittingtons and Randy Lanier.

It does look enormous in photos. I’d like to see it parked amongst a Vette, Ford GT and the Bentley GT3


Oh man.....I got queasy watching that video.

Ok....this is an EV that has my attention.


The can drape the finest Pinanfarrina coachwork over the top of it and it will still drive like a warm bowl of wallpaper paste.

Whenever I hear the term used, or the derivative “sport” model of a (usually) bland appliance I’m struck with the same question; “Which sport?” Because it sure as fuck ain’t motorsport.

Eric Holder’s firm said this.

If by weird you mean; “Awesome. In an understated, I got nuthin to prove to you” way....then I agree.


FWIW....tanks rolled down the street at JFK’s inauguration.

Make it synchro, give it a diesel (no cheating) and I’m curious...electric? Nah.

Release DNC emails to wikileaks = Treason

They need to do pit stops and hot-swap battery packs using those robotic arms used in assembly plants.

Dear Kia,

so how big is this generation Cruze? Golf sized? Smaller? Larger?