Dale Franks

Exactly right.

That seems like a lot of body roll.

You misspelled "illustrate".

Saab is just an perennial under-performing company, disconnected from the market trends, that failed miserably to deliver a product people are willing to buy for the last 30 years.

Oh my God, people! How many times do I have to say it?! We hold our phones sideways to shoot video, and our guns straight up and down to shoot people. You have it all backwards.

Why be frugal?

I signed it. I'm happy to participate in this meaningless fiction of democracy.

If there were so many good cops, they'd drive a bad one out like he's some sort of poison troll. Since this doesn't seem to happen, I logically presume the "good" cops are complicit in the behavior of the bad ones.

How is this a surprise? Frankly, It's an improvement that the cop didn't just shoot the dog, as puppycide seems to be the SOP for the police now. I spent 10 years as an active-duty Military policeman in the 80's, and the stuff I see police do routinely today would've gotten me court-martialed in an instant back then.

You are not very bright are you?

The obvious solution, then, is to increase the minimum wage to $100/hr. Problem solved.

Lots of HP. Great drag. But does it even track, bro?

Unlike many of you, I don't mind admitting that I cried at this video; hot tears of rage at the first half being filmed in portrait mode.

Yay, me!

Dodge has probably the worst interior quality from an American car maker.

*shrug* You, apparently. Unsuccessfully.

Well, you should get busy then. Country's crawling with churches. Let me know how that works out for you.

I'm just having fun with you. Your threats of violence against people with different beliefs is actually cute, since we both know you'll never actually carry them out.

Ah. So you don't care about they gays, then?

So now we get to argue about what exactly qualifies as a "closely held" corporation. Great.