
If someone had taken selfies at my husband's funeral I would have cunt punted them. How fucking inconsiderate.

It doesn't come across as a "helpful expression of grief." It comes across like they don't give a fuck that someone died, and they don't give a fuck about the living people around them.

Oh wow. Yes to everything you've said. You have—very eloquently—pinpointed exactly what is wrong with the direction of our culture and how this contributes to the greater picture. All my recommendz 4 u.

which herald the arrival of the 1990's-born techno narcissism hoard

I'll buy the idea that the selfies are just a really crappy/tactless way of trying to remove yourself from a horrible situation, but that said, I still think they should be called on it and made to put the phone away. Sorry, you're going to have to be bored for an hour in the name of politeness and respect, kids. It

Right?? Fuck learning human decency!! YOLO!! Nope. These kids all are horrible people with no upbringing.

*Twin towers fall in the background of photo while I blow kisses at my iPhone* So sad! Does everyone like my new bangs, though? I don't know if they work with my highlights... #selfie #sad #death #MasterCuts

None of this would be a problem if they didn't hashtag the photo. If you're tacky enough to take the pic, fine. If you want to post it on your twitter, facebook or instagram, uggghh whatever. But putting a hashtag on it makes it searchable to other people and infuriating. These tumblrs wouldn't exist if they

Yep. My Husband's grandfather died last December. He was a WONDERFUL man and welcomed me into the large family with open and unsteady arms. He insisted I call him "Grandpa Vic".

No. No. No. Stop excusing the inexcusable. Just because we don't cohabitate with corpses anymore is no excuse for this behavior. If they can't grasp the "real processes of death" and that "there is a real corpse and real grief left behind," then they are assholes. Our "physical and emotional ritual" with death IS the


statistically they've never been to a funeral either.

WTF is this face? Does she actually think this make her attractive? She looks like a complete tool.

exactly. nope nope nope. These selfies are for likes and follows and attention for their new dress and pretty hair behind the guise of a sad day (another way to garner attention and sympathy). It's gross and tacky. Sure smartphones are changing the way we interact with people but it doesn't need to be a part of every

Well, this is definitely the most disappointing thing I've read on Jezebel since Katie JM Baker's "won't anyone think of the townsfolk of Steubenville, here let me just be a stenographer for the grievances of the biggest assholes I could find in said town and call it balanced" feature story.

"No wonder these teenagers retreat to the bathroom to fix their hair and take a selfie in the mirror out of impotence and boredom. Our cultural traditions have failed them, and selfies at funerals are one of their only outlets to ritual and mourning in the age of the smartphone."

No matter how these kids feel, there are lots of other mourners who I'm sure don't want to be in the background of all these shots, or to see and hear teens giggling and posing. Have some fucking respect when you're at a fucking funeral.

These teens do not appear to show and ounce of sadness. The only thing they are expressing is that they suffer from narcissistic personality disorder.

I would punch the fucking dog shit out of anyone doing this at a loved one's funeral.

"who knows—maybe posting selfies at funerals is a helpful expression of grief."