
@CustomFirmware: Honestly, it's the best time to try. Hell, for $5, you can pick up a retail copy of "Vanilla" WoW (that is, the original, non-expansion version), which includes a free month of game time. The game has been redesigned from the ground-up, since the patch last month, so it's much more casual-friendly.

@infinitezero: In fairness, most of the game has a much higher standard of graphics now. However, this video shows off Humans and Undead more than anything, the two oldest character-types in the entire game (with the exception of the "Blacksmith" in the video, who is a slightly more recent model).

@Daemon_Gildas: Sweet Jesus, that was a helluva lot longer post than I intended o_O

For all you non-WoW players out there:

@ElephantFace: Well, I think the issue with Oblivion and Fast-travel, was that the game was *so* spread out, it made fast-travel necessary.

@rockmace: That's sort of the point, though. Nintendo *wants* people to buy it right away, right? I mean, after all, it's already shaping up to have some killer IP's.

@Dreamwriter: *Very* good to hear! If there's one thing I can't stand, it's an analog that feels like it's scratching the outer ridge of the stick.

Question; does the "analog" on the 3DS feel smooth? The reason I hated the PSP and PSP Go, was it felt like the analog was scraping against the outside of the area.

PLEASE, for the love of GOD, Nintendo; give us a Mario- or Zelda-themed 3DS at launch!!!

@ElephantFace: It just makes the world feel too small, and really kills any sense of immersion.

@Skeezy: This is beyond awesome!!! :D

Two things, Bethesda.

Smugleaf (fuck yo' Snivy, nigga!) is one of the few Pokemon that I feel is worth of standing by the original 151 Pokemon.

@Skeezy: So..... much...... Win.......

Vrykul need to be playable.

Please, change the review format. It just feels like it's trying too hard to be professional, but alienates the average joe in the process.

You can unfortunately tell; this is an online game. It just isn't as smooth or fluid as a game of this type demands.

@Knifington: Best comment I've ever read. In my LIFE.

@Yossarian: Well, I played a lot of MW1 and 2, but it never really grabbed me. Kind of the same thing as Halo 2 and beyond; they're good games, but didn't really introduce anything that I could tell had lasting effect.