Also; anyone know how durable or fragile these things might be?
Also; anyone know how durable or fragile these things might be?
I'll admit, I think FF7 has aged horrendously (and the Materia system really lead to characters feeling quite homogeneous), but I really dig these.
I think because the "formula" was still really rough, so players rarely felt forced into one of the Trinity roles (Tank, Healer, DPS), which mean Hybrids could actually make use of all their abilities. I'll admit, I think the overall game-design was probably weaker, but there is no doubt, the game was a hell of a lot…
Probably true. I think part of respecting boundaries, though, revolves around being taught to; as a kid, it's as simple as good parenting. As an adult, though, I can only assume it requires a stronger reaction from others. That's all I can figure, anyways. In any case, allowing this guy of behavior to go unpunished —…
And with that, Xbox One is officially back on the map. Coupled with what many would deem a stronger showing of exclusives thus far (even if I'm personally more excited about the new inFamous), Microsoft has definitely saved their image.
Don't get me wrong, in no way am I saying this post isn't a great thing; we absolutely need to made more aware of how prominent this sort of thing is. Thing is, as you said yourself, these people need to be held accountable; but by who? "Everyone" would be a nice answer, but we're really nothing but screens of text to…
Very true. I used to be quite similar, actually. I just know that, for me, there came a point when I'd finally had enough of putting up with peoples' BS — at a time when I was already struggling with depression — and I've been a lot happier since. Developing the ability to confront people is not only useful, but I…
If you get bullied, then it might not be your fault, but it's sure as hell your responsibility to do something about it. People fall into a lull, thinking they can't or aren't supposed to do anything, and I was once like that myself. The assholes get away with treating people like shit because too few people stand up…
I completely agree, it's not the advice I want to have to give, but the sad truth is that the world is full of assholes, and they're not going to change their ways on their own. I used to get walked-on by "friends" and family when I was younger, and I kept hoping people would treat me better because I treated them…
Which is why I mentioned that I think our culture has probably done a better job raising boys. Those feeling are totally natural, but they can be overcome. I am in no way justifying the way these people acted, and I know first-hand what it's like to be walked-over. The only remedy, however, is to "man-up" and either…
As others have said, the above artwork is absolutely the best-looking version of Link to date, I think. With one minor exception; I would've preferred slightly darker skin on him, and maybe a sharper chin (ala Twilight Princess' box-art). Also, the blue cloth around his fore-arm looks sort of... out-of-place. Maybe in…
Agreed. Honestly, having a fully fleshed-out, 3D world would be an excellent way to showcase just what the Wii U can do, harping off of your nostalgia while also bringing a new kind of experience. Plus, there are all kinds of things they could charge for; granting Shiny-status to an existing Pokemon, the better…
Right? I mean, who the hell wants fucking Steel Diver, regardless of price?
That would actually be pretty awesome.
Interesting to hear their responses, though it definitely seemed like they were deliberately "not-getting" what you meant. Like you (Steven Totilo) said; they're making fun games, but nothing radically *different*. And, even though having a new IP and new character doesn't *technically* mean it's going to be a new,…
I'm still hoping the dog pulls a Red XII, living on for hundreds of years after humanity. Preferably while on-fire, but I'm not picky.
In the case of a woman being mistaken for a "booth-babe", I don't think there's necessarily a big problem with that beyond that booth-babes are apparently "still a thing".
I'm still hoping they change up the graphical stylings just a bit on this game; everything looks like it's made it plastic, including Link's hair, which seems... weird.
Honestly, I'm a bit bummed there's no new dungeon, but it makes sense; they would probably want to use any new dungeon-designs in a new game. One thing I would like to see them add, however, is a few more costumes and the like. It's a (relatively) cheap addition to add, but adds so much to replaying a game. Giving him…
Ugh, I really hope they get on the ball with this game, without encountering the "time-gap" bullshit that US players had to deal with in PSU.