Desmond Acksworth

That’s Amare



He started the night facing away from her, but then turned over 13 times.

It’s like Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Liam Neeson did a great job as the giant in tonight’s episode!!!

I really like the beginning of the video where he complains about not getting an advanced warning of his arrest and the charges against him. It’s like he’s used to living in an entirely different legal system in which crimes are negotiated away with money before charges are ever pressed. That part alone convinces me

I enjoy reading anyone who makes fun of Taylor Swift for the talentless hack that she is. But really, no one ever needs to do it again, because no one will ever do better than Noel Gallagher in Rolling Stone.

No Streethawk? Come on.

That Slate piece is just the most. Here’s the deal, there is music. You can listen to it and like it or not. Everything else is scenester noise. Labeling music, and thinking that the type of music you listen to makes you cooler, smarter, better, more interesting, more enlightened or what-in-the-actual-fuck-ever else,

I think that Taylor Swift is very attractive and I could care less if she sang ‘Happy Birthday’ off key for her next ten singles...

Why did you black out McCutchen’s Employee Number? Doesn’t seem to be confidential information. We all know it’s 22.

Fuck. I should've stuck with baseball.

That depends. Deployed overseas, whoever owns the base is usually, mostly, in charge. Not that they get to tell you what to do, but you are expected to keep them informed and adhere to their rules. They will delegate billeting and chow, but outside of that, not much. In a larger operation, one group might be attached

There is always a chain of command and typically it’s based on paygrades. An E-7 is generally in charge of a team (whatever you want to call them) regardless of branches. As an E-5, I would likely report to either that E-7 or an E-6. They would likely report to either an E-8 or an O-1 (or even an O-3), depending on

Seems like Stachelek isn’t a fan of Pirates.


+0.08 FINE work

“You’re not following Cardinal Way.”

If bulls had their own sports blog, it would be nothing but obituaries and the occasional celebration when something like this happens.