Desmond Acksworth

These Barca kits are the highlight of my day.

What was wrong with Blatt's first play?

Just when I thought I'd seen every possible ingredient in craft beer, now you're telling me there's Kale in Western Hockey League Bantam Draft?

Key and Peele need to do an East-West Bowl skit for this shit.

This is, on multiple levels, like watching Italy win the World Cup again.

“We knew that Halifax was gonna get blown out. We got that message loud and clear with a few hours to spare. So we decided not to show up at all. Thank fuck.”


That’s the face he makes when he sees police officers.

I don't have cable, either. What did Beavis make, anyway?

Now playing

Some struggle more effectively than others.

This is why we have port and starboard people!


I got towed once at a college apartment complex after I went through great measures to get a visitor pass. I called the tow company, asked them to look exactly where the pass was supposed to be, and lo and behold, it was there. They brought my car back right away and apologized. I was very polite and never raised my

Got to love that deep in this act of disobedience he still properly signals his left turn.

"Fuck him. I'm going for it."

I've seen people pretend they were Superman, but this is the first time I've seen someone pretend to be Christopher Reeve.

My son was born on April 1st and that little disappointment continues to be the cruelest prank the universe has ever played on me.

Why is he wearing his Laker Uniform to an Elite Eight Game?