Desmond Acksworth

Only by everyone not named Zlatan aka no one that counts.

I bet he wishes he didn't hit that first drive so baddeley.

Tim Breedlove, the accountant who sent the letter, confirmed that Smith planned these gifts out before his death. "It was his plan," Breedlove said over the phone.

Tim Breedlove wants to do the same for all his children when he dies, but he just won't be able to afford it.

@darrenrovell Thanks @UniversalEnt for sending me #UnbrokenMovie! But soldiers during WWII have almost no market value. Most of us watch for country on the front of uni.

Is Kangol considered a charity now?

Great player, and more importantly, great person.

I agree, actually. That salary money was earmarked to be donated to a children's cancer hospital but since the Lakers couldn't get out of the contract, Nash took it all instead and spent it on Gucci loafers. True story.

My only Steve Nash story - Every summer there's an outdoor 4 v 4 basketball tourney in a Vancouver suburb that used to bring out a bunch of ex-University, current University, current pro's playing in Europe, and there was always a team from Seattle (mostly ex-NCAA guys, think there was a D-leaguer or two, and Jamal

No Alanis fans here tonight? Eh, fuck it.

"Like, generations of Azaleas' souls will be burning from this one."

Reggie Evans: (counting)You think he gets another capital letter for his birthday—or just another lower case?

How can you not be perpetually bemused when you're so much smarter than anyone else? I mean he went to Cornell, if you've ever heard of it.

Hey. Hey, you. Hey!

Me too. I have Chicago winning their division and making a real run to the championship.

Of course, if Lynch doesn't get it, the hot take is "Why did you run it, when you have an "elite" quarterback? Is he really the future of your franchise if you can't trust him to win the game? No truly great quarterback would want the ball out his own hands in a critical situation."

Gronk or Lynch will decide this game.

Preferably a driver.

hit Weber in the grill like that and you're gonna get burned.