For the duration of this seemingly-interminable campaign, Donald Trump has been quietly laying the groundwork for…
For the duration of this seemingly-interminable campaign, Donald Trump has been quietly laying the groundwork for…
Lady Grey Jewelry, an indie brand with a woodsy, sculptural vibe which lists its celeb fans to include Beyoncé,…
Exactly. She apparently posted about how tragic it would be if legislation robbed her of the ability to protect her family. I see that tragedy and raise you this.
Everyone is a responsible gun owner until, you know, suddenly they aren’t.
the gun Sheats used to kill her daughters was a “family heirloom,” inherited from her great-grandfather to protect her family. Her daughters will be buried this week in Alabama.
This is pretty much why my child will never be allowed to play in a house that has guns in it.
OMG. All masturbatory, gun-loving posts irritate me, but these cutsie ones really get my goat.
People missing the point will try to point out that she apparently was only using a pistol at the time, so likely not a type of gun that is currently being targeted by gun control advocates. But the real point is the disconnect between the dream—I will use this to protect my family!!!—and the reality—that it is far…
Jesus christ. And this is the RESPONSIBLE gun owner that needs to defend her family? Her family needed to be protected from her. I do not know if gun control laws would have stopped this, but I do know it’s worth trying.
All responsible gun owners are responsible gun owners right up until they aren't. Weird how that works.
It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that’s exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.
and we have a well regulated militia. its called the fucking national guard so like this second amendment average citizen thing has never made sense to me. THE OPENING LINE IS ABOUT A MILITIA. If you have a weapon of war with zero regulation, and you aren’t in a militia. It. Doesn’t. Cover. You.
Wow, today is an auspicious day. Not only is June 14, 1940 the day that Nazi troops invaded Paris during World War…
As a mom of a child with autism I find it mind-boggling that parents of non neurotypical kids jump on the anti-vax wagon. Because the message of the whole movement is: “It’s better to risk the life of your child than to wind up with one with autism”. It’s so unbelievably disloyal to your children. My son is perfect…
Grown ups agree like grown ups. Far right wing nut jobs argue like the uninformed and immature blowhards that they are. It is hard to have an intelligent conversation when all they have is stupidity to work with.
It’s safe to say that the audience...