Yes, but, again (as I mentioned below), people will do what they do, and, as long as it isn’t directly harming you, why not just let it go?
Yes, but, again (as I mentioned below), people will do what they do, and, as long as it isn’t directly harming you, why not just let it go?
In some environments, that level of delusion might merit a 72 hour watch.
How about this. We let everyone who wants to leave get out, then Texas can finally secede from the Union like they’ve had a boner about for decades. Then we build a wall around Texas and see how long those fuckers last.
I’m not fearful of intruders, either, but to be on the safe side, I invested in a home security system. I sleep very well at night, and there’s zero chance of shooting family members or pets accidentally. And as for the whole home intruder scenario: how many people have these assholes offended that they’re as worried…
I’m sorry (not really) but people’s gun-boners in this country are ridiculous. “We don’t have to be a country of fear”? Fear is what’s selling those guns & that’s how the NRA likes it. Sales spike after every mass shooting. No ones trying to take EVERYONE’S guns away. They’re just trying to make it a little harder for…
Turns out he wasn’t. He was a liar. And self promoter.
Remember when he bragged about sniping looters during Katirna? Great guy.
who also lied about how many people he murdered to make himself sound more “badass”
Nothing says “I’m a Christian” louder than nonsensical intolerance, leaving your family on Christmas, to commit law breaking assholery bordering on homicidal rage!
Its not just they’re obsessed with looking cool. Its just good PR, and you gotta admit...the idea of Stormtroopers raiding the White House makes a lot of people happy.
Because, during the holidays, the people that work at the White House can’t party together? Or get together and watch a movie?
A lot of people like to argue its mental health. I think that is part of it.
It’s the guns. And the liars who keep telling the stupid it ISN’T the guns.
Legitimate question to those who say that gun laws or access to guns isn’t the problem: I would sincerely like to know what is. Because, something is different about the United States versus our peer nations that cause us to have a disproportionate amount of gun violence. I hope it’s a result of the gun access and…
Yeah Fox has some kind of vitriol sweepstakes going on, ‘tis rather bleak.
Not to waylay the point however, the case of the coffee is a lot different than you think it was. That coffee case involved 3rd burns in the groin and thigh area from the coffee being far too hot, skin grafts and on top of that, she was the passenger in a car that was parked when she spilled it. The family just wanted…
She was awarded for her medical bills, that coffee was well into dangerous temperatures and caused third degree burns on 6% (eta actually it may have been 16%) of her body. It almost killed her. She was in the hospital for 8 days and needed skin grafts. She originally asked for her medical bills but they refused.
I somehow have managed not to see this until now and I LOVE IT.