
Now this is some Ad porn

YIFY’s problems are not so much about image quality but about audio quality. Sometimes the dude is really cheap on it. But to answer your question, check for anoXmous’ rips. They are slightly larger than YIFY’s but better

Are telling bad jokes and tripping on the curb tricks now?

I know it’s a joke and all but you can clearly see the brake lights turn on a second or two before that. Maybe at first the tires were skidding and then they achieved good grip hence why you see the forward balancing of the car later

Exactly. They are mostly used on surfaces that can’t or shouldn’t have a natural angle for water to run off, or surfaces that form a concave (or convex? i always confuse them) surface in which water will stagnate.

·Your MIL confirmed as Mathew Mcconaughey in Interstellar

I know some of those words

I find it sad that if you had said “you rely” and “we” instead of “we rely” and “they” the number of likes in your post would have seen a dramatic turn of events

I don’t fucking get it, why is it that architects get more recognition by shit like this when it’s usually all up to the civil engineers to actually make those buildings functional on a structural and serviceability level? I think they even earn more than engineers for fuck’s sake!

Some will believe that said dinosaurs fought the battle of Nazis vs. U, S and A

That’s like a reverse pool glove

What the hell man. I was seriously answering that. Seems like you didn't get the message

Because it’s sometimes a responsibility as humans to try and make everyone around us better human beings in every aspect, and of course, be open about others helping us be better as well. As far as everything’s concerned, your comment is the only one here truly useless. *Points out and moves on*

Highways and roads are designed, as are buildings and other infrastructure, with future demands in mind. And yes, they even account for exponential growth population, demand created from the new road and demand created by economic activity around the new road. Normally this design is done with at least 30 years in

Just put a net under it and you’re done! Sure, people down there are getting wet but at least no one’s falling!

I was actually agreeing with you, and i’m sure no drone ever would do that, it’s too fast. MAYBE a winged drone, but not the quadrocopter ones.

Just a catch in case people didn’t get it: It takes several days for the servers to render your thing using the photos you took, so it’s not inmediate 3D goodness, but it’s expected since it’s a demanding task!

Indeed, a drone would never be able to do this

More like “30% of the time, it breaks every time!”