
Agreed. Also note she used every word she could think of to describe Alicia that wasn't singer, that's shade.

I've always had a crush on Gary Oldman, but he may have just killed my ladyboner. RIP PRECIOUS LADYWOOD. I HARDLY KNEW THEE.

you a DAMN lie! a damn lie!

I think she breastfed her baby because she was hungry. i think she photographed it because it would make an awesome picture. And it did! Two awesome things that are hard to juggle—finishing school, and a newborn baby. It's a picture of a rockstar!

You're talking about the baby, right? Because yes, babies sure do like to yell and scream when they're hungry. Those little attention seeking scalliwags!

As for mom, she did it because her child was hungry. That's called 'good parenting'. Confusing, I know, but try to keep up.

That shit is so Florida.

"It's a fashion club now," Turney said. "The days of wearing our old workout shorts and ratty T-shirts are over."

Yeah, I am not one of these people. You don't want to help me? Won't give me the time of day? I'm gone. And I'll probably tell other people how shitty your service was.

Their hair products are hot garbage. I've never tried anything else from them (I make my own body scrubs, so there's that...).

Well, their products are hot garbage, so.....

yeah, but this is the same city where idiots lined up for cronuts, too, so no big surprise there.

Fucking white people and their college.

Is anyone else not buying the "hip surgery" story? She's wearing very revealing outfits and there seems to be no hint of a scar on either hip.

Sorry, Richard (#23) should be #1, because...

Fairly positive Jez covered this a while back when it first came out. I've definitely seen all of these photos before, quite a while ago.

And Texas shall do it's Christian duty when in releases toxic chemicals into his veins. Let us pray.

They believe the murders were random because they occured in different manners.... Da fuq? No, different MOs would indicate two offenders, not that the crimes were committed seperately. The victims were a couple, they were murdered together and found together. That's not random. But in Texas a black man gets murdered

Jennifer Lawrence is like Girl Scout cookies. Fine, but overrated, and even if you are in the mood for them if you have too many you'll want to throw up. And I am there with Jennifer Lawrence.

wait what?? No Mentioning of Jon Hamm