well...unlike you, I believe in love. :P
well...unlike you, I believe in love. :P
I loved that movie back in the day, but when I watche dit again recently, I realized the original Independence Day is really quite awful.
I don't believe Leonardo DiCaprio.
Why am I NOT surprised by this; could it be the 50 years I've spent as a Black woman?
Tastes like Palestinian tears, if you're into that sort of thing.
My life needs more puppies in it and less of... well, less of everything else.
I support the theory that the red part was actually ripped away by a third hand that came from the grassy crotch.
Shut up. He could have been a man and said it to Kendrick or simply texted him. Instead, he instagrammed it and put that shit on the internet so that everyone can see how 'gracious' and altruistic he is.
this is the most transparent humble brag i have never seen.
I think that is another very good reason the family had to sue. I don't think that is why they are suing, but their suit may help them when and if someone tries to hit them with the medical bill. We'll see.
Fake apologies got a holler. Hahaha.
Black woman + white man = all the power to them, honey. Any and all color combos are fabulous by me!
"What if we cared about those living in poverty as much as we care about celebrities?"
Lets not act or let ourselves think that Europe is any better with race relations than America.
Can we stop pretending this girl is attractive?
Oh Lena Dunham. I know Zac is your friend, but he does not do you any favors when he dresses you. She could look so wonderful, but she seems attached to childish fashion. The proportions always seem off. Her make up looks good and I like the dark nails. Lovely skin too. I always forget how young she is.
A raccoon once stole my husbands sweatshirt out of his lap in a park and they then engage in an ill-advised game of tug of war while I yelled "just let him have it!" Ah, nature.
Welcome to the Matrix.
Yes, visiting this website is frequently like being in an abusive relationship if you are a black woman. Ugh.