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    "Last week, we busted the myth that electroweak gauge symmetry is broken by the Higgs mechanism. We'll also examine the existence of God and whether true love exists."

    Old episodes available for streaming on Netflix!

    Oh dear God, the suggested videos at the end of this vid...NSFW!!!

    Yeah, I've managed to log in with a craptastic Twitter account created just for this purpose...what fun. Now to see if I can delete that other account. I swear I didn't "create" a new account.

    I got this myself. I think I'm logged in with my old account now. Not sure. But, clicking on various commenters who have changed over, I see no comments by them.

    Alone on an island with no one and no government to give me stuff...I still have ALL of my fundamental rights. There is nothing fundamental about the rights you speak of, yours ebb and flow with time, society, might and the wind.

    I believe you are correct about the card and file manager...everything in the cloud. I'm old school, I like to have it all physically with me...CDs on the shelf, ripped versions in my pocket. I want to put all my music/movies/apps/data on my ipad and take it with me so I don't have to worry about connectivity.

    I only referenced our Founding Fathers and documents that created our nation who themselves invoked the mythical divine entity. Like if or not, God is part of the documents which created and define our nation. If it will help you sleep better, then the fundamental rights are instilled by Mother Nature...or simply

    Things I want:

    True fundamental inalienable rights are not bestowed by government. And, absolutely not by the U.S. government. Reading the U.S. Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Federalist Papers, etc., it is explicitly clear that our government merely recognizes rights bestowed on us by God: "We hold these truths to be

    The view out my backyard earlier this evening.

    Did you factor in the fossil fuel plants that are required and built for every wind farm in the world to maintain the power when the wind doesn't blow?

    No, no, no. Rights are something that do NOT require the work or fortune of other people: freedom of speech, religion, to assemble, to protest the government, to bear arms, to privacy, etc. More specifically, you do not have the right to force a preacher, rabbi or imam to assist your freedom of religion, no right to

    I agree, I clicked through and read but still have no idea what I'm looking at and how to interpret it.

    On a completely unrelated note...how do you know when your scientific project is over funded? (assuming this is a paid position)

    astrocramp you get 99 internet points...I had to deduct one for not explicitly mentioning that the Piss C. is not by any objective means art, but otherwise a near perfect comment.

    Yes. Yes, it is wrong to steal from a thief. You've never heard that two wrongs don't make a right? Further, your personal theory of morality breaks down because you get to apply it willy-nilly to anyone you deem a thief. I guess you won't mind the fact that I've deemed you a thief and will be breaking into your home

    Wow, your ability to justify immorality is horrifying. I hope you reap all that you sow.

    Yeah, its always cool when you steal $500...I mugged some old lady last night, it was sooo cool man! Or, is it just large corporations, 'cause last week I was at a Walmart and they were switching out cash drawers and I totally did a Bill Murrah in Groundhog Day and walked out with a drawer full of cash...awesome man!

    Is that an annoying commercial or are you just glad to see me?