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    As drdiesel said, "what test ads?" I actually had to go check, one click over, none in my inbox, open an email...what do you know, all the way over on the right, where I never look, itty bitty little text ads that load instantly and unobtrusively that I never notice.

    Start with ESCs tendancy to form tumors (teratomas):

    "Anything that can be done with adults stem cells can also be done with embryonic stem cells." Not true. ESCs have many problems unique to them which are not found in ASCs. There are practical, not just ethical/political, reasons that there many current treatments with ASCs and none with ESCs.

    Just so we are all clear, this was done with ADULT stem cells and not EMBRYONIC stem cells. Last time I looked there were dozens of currently effective treatments using adult stem cells and none...zero...using embryonic stem cells.

    The transitions from climbing the smooth straight no-gaps support to the the main housing generator and then to the blades themselves would be tricky and likely a deal killer.

    You are overly dismissive and prone to personal attacks in order discredit the message and otherwise simply avoid other arguments...poor form.

    You're right! Just like the only the rich will ever have cars, TVs, fly on aeroplanes, and a million other examples.

    I don't abide by a strict definition of FF, but it broadly would include delegates, signers and a few significant others. Who to include in a smaller group of any given number is always an interesting conversation and sure to weed out the those with less rigor in the subject. If you are ever in Tulsa, I'll buy the

    I would never appear on Preppers and give away all my secrets, absolute idiocy.

    Nice utopian vision, but long before your offspring will ever become "Superhuman Cyborgs" they will become electronic slaves of an all powerful federal/world government. They likely won't think that they have had their freedoms and liberties eroded to the point that they are slaves but, much like our the Founding

    That will be a wonderful trip for photographing, happy picture taking!

    Thanks! I really enjoy shooting my kids. A lot of credit goes to my 7D and 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II USM lens. With the 7D's crop factor of 1.6, its like I'm shooting with a 112-320mm lens. It's really an awesome camera/lens combo. Alas, the 1DX will forever be out of my range, but I'm looking forward to a 7D Mark II

    7D owner, but I take thousands of pics of my 3 boys playing sports, so you all can tell my wife I need the 1DX, thanks.

    In unrelated news, the number of people claiming a need for medical marijuana is about to plummet.

    How many hard drives are they having to add every day? Is the data storage requirements increasing faster than average hard drive size? So, they are having to add hard drives faster and faster. It boggles my mind. I know they have it all worked out and don't really add drives one by one but, rather, whole data

    Is this sustainable? YouTube gets 800 million visitors a month and analysts disagree whether it is profitable while Google won't say. The sheer volume of information stored and transferred is beyond my full understanding, I just wonder if it is sustainable.

    "It's a extremely complex process, like building an entire city that floats from scratch."

    I've used their Tiny plan since 2006 to host a bunch of sites together that get next to no traffic. I don't know when they increased the cost of the plan from 25$ to 35$ but they didn't bill me for the increase as of Oct. 2011. Good guys.

    VOTE: TotalChoiceHosting

    I learned in 2008 that the absolute worst place to have a discussion/argument is on youtube, which is why I created this as my penance.