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    I'm aware...and that's my whole point. The feds should have nothing to do with local education, no dept of ed., ag. or any other dept. Fire all those federal employees, decrease the federal budget and deficit and return control and responsibility to the local level.

    It would be more ironic if it caused Alzheimer's.

    Why in the world would the FEDERAL dept. of agriculture having anything to do with local school district lunches?

    I was watching a documentary on the horrors of WWII the other day and I couldn't help but notice the fat concentration camp victims among the living skeletons no doubt doubly suffering both from the Nazis and from obesogens, high-fructose corn syrup, genetics, etc. This talk about exercise and calories is just cruel.

    DavidWizard, we'll have to agree to disagree. MO "insulted and denigrated" and entire nation when she said at the age of 44 that she was for the first time proud of her country. I could go on but neither of us will convince the other. For you Wikipedia is an exemplar of viewpoint neutrality, for me...not even close

    ...or probably not. But, the answer should be "definitely" which we both agree it is not.

    But whether someone is a hate-spewing bigot, or a commie-big-government-ashamed-of-her-country-hypocrite depends on your point of view, but Wiki "purports" to be viewpoint neutral...which it is NOT.

    When you can't win on the issues. Not to mention, it's a good sign that actual, real, racism, is becoming a thing of the past when all the race-pimps have nothing but absolute frivolity to complain about.

    Just as long as Wikipedia keeps the reference, I'm good. I've won so many arguments with people about Wiki's political bias with that, I don't want it to go away...such "encyclopedic style." Imagine an equally disgusting and purposely offensive google bomb for the First Lady. Anyone think good old Wiki would have it

    Perhaps the jet engine truck driver had six fingers on his right hand?

    Hello. My name is Juan Pablo Montoya. I nearly killed you. Prepare to dry.

    As a 6'5" inch 240 pound athletic adult male, I agree "handguns should be illegal." No woman or elderly or person of slight of stature should ever be on equal footing as me. My God/nature given physical superiority demands that I be allowed to take whatever I want from lesser physical creatures.

    The note was comparable in size to the the star in the picture in the article. I used a 50mm 1.8 lens. Notice the vignetting (darkening of edges and corners, that is a natural result of taking the photo through the smaller light opening of the cutout. The lens must be as wide open as possible so as to maximize the

    As string of Christmas lights hanging off of lamp in background ... no photoshop.

    Christmas tree in background ... no photoshop.

    My homemade star bokeh filter.

    My homemade musical note bokeh filter.
