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    mikemike: Your own link says it was cherry picked: (1) "Studies have shown that states and counties that adopt fewer restrictions on concealed handgun laws experience changes in crime rates. These studies show that violent crime rates decrease while rates of crime against personal property increase."

    Awesome vid, thanks.

    Grahmo: "Otherwise why else carry one?" To give you better odds, to at least even the fight. So that the batshit crazy, the great in number and the physically powerful do not rule the streets. So that every woman, elderly and person of slight stature can be on par with the most powerful and aggressive attacker.

    Magnus, you said: "All that said, yes, right to carry is linked to a reduction in crime, no doubt there. The statistics are right there."

    Grahmo, yes, the concealed carry argument is that simple: carrying a gun will always and absolutely protect you in all instances no matter what. That's what Second Amendment advocates say, we even carve it into stone and give one out with every permit: "You will never die if you carry a gun." You can't be that stupid,

    Magnus, really your google-fu is that weak?!?!? You haven't even tried. My first three search results:

    Platypus, the very attitude that someone who protects themselves is a "vigilante" and all the negative connotation that comes with that characterization is absurd and shows that you've already bought into the ridiculous notion that you are protected by a policy that makes you a helpless victim. I am good friends with

    Astro, it is a fair question to raise as to whether it is the time or place. I obviously disagree.

    I don't know if you are being facetious or what, but no 2nd Amendment advocate argues that "everyone" should be allowed to carry a gun.

    It's no joke when administrators/legislators implement policies that are over and over again proven to put lives at risk. Gun-free zones are one of the stupidest feel-good polices ever conjured up by logic-devoid, emotionally driven, elite, do-gooders.

    mustafaluigi, you have it absolutely correct. Gun-free zones are instituted by people that want everyone to "feel" safe while actually making them less so. A sign, zone, or policy has never stopped a bad guy wanting to do harm.

    This is a lie...the campus is a gun-free zone.

    One of the greatest comics ever!

    After I typed it, I did notice the unintentional quality you mention. It could easily have been replied to with: "That's what she said." "If I had a dollar every time I've heard that." "Size doesn't matter." etc.

    It's all of 7 inches...not very useful, and looks to be poor quality. Make it 12+ inches and of better quality and I'll think about it.

    I would have preferred longer, unedited, real time (not slow mo). That would have been more interesting. Not just cheerleader, all players, coaches, all activities, all professions. This was OK but could have been better (and not talking about sex related).

    Dude, its not her POV you want...its the guy's! Unless you like that sort of stuff.

    Actually, I don't think you'd want to see all the stuff she sees. I know I wouldn't.

    If you see large letters on someone's chest, it just means one thing...shoot the face.

    Worthless without the painting next to the photo. Unless we're supposed to have all these painting committed to memory it requires needless clicking, opening, closing, annoying stuff to get the comparison/effect.