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    No need to apologize...this is fun and I enjoy the witty repartee and being challenged by someone more knowledgeable in a field than I.

    I stand by my comment. Don't worry though, the charade that is modern art won't be marred in the least by one internet commenter which you'll surely label a troll, ignorant, unappreciative or some other slight so as to not have to defend as art that which most anyone could create. Don't confuse influential with

    Jackson Pollock is an overrated hack. These creations took far more talent than Pollock had. In a hundred years, Pollock couldn't create one of these, but I bet these three could create a "Pollock" nearly indistinguishable from the real thing.

    No, it's not just you. The interface is a hideous step backward for the purpose of bringing together the desktop and tablet experience to help MS in the later industry at the expense of desktop users the world over.

    I'll assume then that you are not a buyer of seasonal gear for any major retailer.

    Now THAT is the proper use of taxpayer dollars.

    Nice Okie reference. The judges would have also accepted The Nixons. However, a Hanson reference would have resulted in revocation of your Giz account.

    I'm guessing he didn't build that in Oklahoma this past weekend.

    2nd, 3rd and 9th panels pretty much make the point.

    I don't disagree. If painted by Bob-the-who-picks-up-dung-behind-the-king's-cart it would not have been nearly as famous.

    Now THAT would have been amazing if da Vinci had painted in image that "look[ed] like a generic photo somebody snapped off with a cellphone." What visionary genius!!!

    "...why illustrate something so... dull?"

    A right guaranteed by the Second Amendment and lawfully followed by the Tea Partiers. Meanwhile the OWSers are slinging poo like monkeys.

    Given the law abiding nature of the "teabaggers" compared to the rioting-raping-druggy-pedo-scatting-dirty-vandals of OWS...your suggestion would result in a boring evening of television. My idea would be much more fun.

    You are correct, there IS a great deal of wealth in this country...but it is being misspent.

    I'm going to buy 1000 of the green laser pointers...and hand them out for free to the OWS morons...stop to buy some popcorn on the way home...and park myself on my couch for hours and hours of hilarious entertainment!

    "BALANCE initial construction cost with continuing maintenance. Build a very thick road with a solid foundation...and the road wont need as much continuing maintenance. ... But build a thinner road with a less stable foundation, and you're looking at lots of regular upkeep."

    It doesn't say anything. Doing the animals was like doing a fleshlight, guys don't do do fleshlights because they can't be homos or because they are turned on by silicone lined cylinders. I'll be they are all heteros who would skip the animal farm for a compliant ugly fat chick in a second.

    Wait...Hollywood has no imagination and retreads all the formulaistic (word?) crap they generate...I think Police Academy 7 and Friday the 13th 12 prove that's not true.

    It's a page taken from a Trial Lawyers masturbation magazine.